Distributed lock for your scheduled tasks
Example application that gets total test coverage across a multi module Gradle project
Very spicy additions to the Java programming language.
Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
Automated JSON API documentation for API's built with Spring
A bitcoin trading bot written in node -
Zenbot is a command-line cryptocurrency trading bot using Node.js and MongoDB.
Hyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications. Its modular and versatile design satisfies a broad range of industry u…
Basic string utilities for Solidity
Testcontainers is a Java library that supports JUnit tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.
An annotation processor for generating type-safe bean mappers
Alluxio, data orchestration for analytics and machine learning in the cloud
The fast, light, and robust client for Ethereum-like networks.
Provable API for Ethereum smart contracts
EthereumJ native API or how to call contracts easily and with type safety
[DEPRECATED] Mist. Browse and use Ðapps on the Ethereum network.
Lightweight Java and Android library for integration with Ethereum clients
DEPRECATED! Java implementation of the Ethereum yellowpaper. For JSON-RPC and other client features check Ethereum Harmony
Joke programming language for 'gopniks' in Russia. Back from 2016!