Add the following dependency to your project.clj
[superstring "2.1.0"]
It's also annoying to pull in $library
as well as clojure.string
to get complete coverage. Or pull in $library
where the functions in clojure.string
are renamed, or re-implemented with slightly different semantics. I've opted to alias all the vars in
so you only need to require a single namespace and because I know you hate surprises.
A ton of functions, either on String
, or elsewhere, return true
as the truthy value. In a lisp this is a terrible a waste. To afford string punning this library returns s
as the truthy value so you can do stuff like this:
(require [superstring.core :as str])
(some-> linkedIn-profile
(str/includes? "developer" :ignore-case)
(str/includes-all? ["java" "xml"] :ignore-case)
(str/includes-any? ["ninja" "rockstar"] :ignore-case)
The character ß
is a lower case, german, character that is shorthand
for ss
. This character is, to my knowledge, exceptional in that it
upper cases to a combination of two characters. Frankly, this
annoying character should be deprecated, but in the meanwhile we
should try to treat it in a consistent manner.
The jvm has the following behavior:
(Character/toUppercase \ß) ;;=> \ß
(.toUppercase "ß") ;;=> "SS"
(.equalsIgnoreCase "ß" "ss") ;;=> false
I'm interpreting this to mean:
- String comparisons ignoring case should not treat
as equal. - Any string operations which change the case should consider
to be the upper case variant ofß
Copyright © 2016 Lars Andersen
This project is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0.