This is a simple implementation of the faker gem in rails. Faker helps create real-looking test data, and having your database populated with more than one or two records while you're doing development.
For more information on Faker, please visit
Eventhough the implementation is quite simple, however having a sample app as a guide helps Rails beginners.
- Clone the project or download it to your computer.
- cd into the folder from your terminal
- run
rake db:migrate
- run
rake db:populate
- start the server
rails s
That's it. 15 random posts will be created eveytime you run the 'rake db:populate' command. You may need to restart the server to see the changes.
I created a basic posts migration with with title(string), body(text) and timestamps.
- ```rake db:migrate``
Created a simple model, controller (with only index action), view file and set the root path to 'posts#index'.
Then we install the gem
gem 'faker'
in our Gemfile
I used gem 'faker', '~> 1.4.2'
for the latest version, go to
- then
With the Faker gem install in the Gemfile, we create a file (populate.rake) in the following folder
- lib/tasks/populate.rake
namespace :db do
desc "Erase and fill database"
task :populate => :environment do
require 'faker'
# Create 15 posts
15.times do
Post.create do |post|
post.title = Faker::Lorem.sentence # all options available below
post.body = Faker::Lorem.paragraph
rake db:populate
rails s
Go to http://localhost:3000/
That's it. 15 random posts will be created eveytime you run the 'rake db:populate' command. You may need to restart the server to see the changes.
The options for the data type you need are given below. Again, they are from
Do note that Faker::Lorem.sentences instead of Faker::Lorem.sentence will throw a TypeError because the sentences outputs an array and our post.title is a string.
ruby #=> "Christophe Bartell" #=> "[email protected]"
```ruby #=> "Imogeneborough"
Faker::Address.street_name #=> "Larkin Fork"
Faker::Address.street_address #=> "282 Kevin Brook"
Faker::Address.secondary_address #=> "Apt. 672"
Faker::Address.building_number #=> "7304"
Faker::Address.zip_code #=> "58517" #=> "58517"
Faker::Address.postcode #=> "58517"
Faker::Address.time_zone #=> "Asia/Yakutsk"
Faker::Address.street_suffix #=> "Street"
Faker::Address.city_suffix #=> "fort"
Faker::Address.city_prefix #=> "Lake"
Faker::Address.state_abbr #=> "AP"
Faker::Address.state #=> "California" #=> "French Guiana"
Faker::Address.latitude #=> "-58.17256227443719"
Faker::Address.longitude #=> "-156.65548382095133"
Faker::Bitcoin.address #=> "1HUoGjmgChmnxxYhz87YytV4gVjfPaExmh"
Faker::Business.credit_card_number #=> "1228-1221-1221-1431"
Faker::Business.credit_card_expiry_date #=> <Date: 2015-11-11 ((2457338j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
Faker::Business.credit_card_type #=> "visa"
Faker::Code.isbn #=> "759021701-8"
Faker::Code.ean #=> "4600051000057"
Faker::Commerce.color #=> "lavender"
# Optional arguments max=3, fixed_amount=false
Faker::Commerce.department #=> "Grocery, Health & Beauty"
Faker::Commerce.department(5) #=> "Grocery, Books, Health & Beauty"
Faker::Commerce.department(2, true) #=> "Books & Tools"
Faker::Commerce.product_name #=> "Practical Granite Shirt"
Faker::Commerce.price #=> "44.6"
ruby #=> "Hirthe-Ritchie"
Faker::Company.suffix #=> "Group"
# Generate a buzzword-laden catch phrase.
Faker::Company.catch_phrase #=> "Business-focused coherent parallelism"
# When a straight answer won't do, BS to the rescue! #=> "empower one-to-one web-readiness"
Faker::Company.duns_number #=> "08-341-3736"
# Get a random company logo url in GIF format.
Faker::Company.logo #=> ""
# Optional argument name=nil #=> "[email protected]"'Nancy') #=> "[email protected]"
# Optional argument name=nil
Faker::Internet.free_email #=> "[email protected]"
Faker::Internet.free_email('Nancy') #=> "[email protected]"
# Optional argument name=nil
Faker::Internet.safe_email #=> "[email protected]"
Faker::Internet.safe_email('Nancy') #=> "[email protected]"
# Optional arguments specifier=nil, separators=%w(. _)
Faker::Internet.user_name #=> "alexie"
Faker::Internet.user_name('Nancy') #=> "nancy"
Faker::Internet.user_name('Nancy Johnson', %w(. _ -)) #=> "johnson-nancy"
# Optional arguments: min_length=8, max_length=16
Faker::Internet.password #=> "vg5msvy1uerg7"
Faker::Internet.password(8) #=> "yfgjik0hgzdqs0"
Faker::Internet.password(10, 20) #=> "eoc9shwd1hwq4vbgfw"
Faker::Internet.domain_name #=> ""
Faker::Internet.fix_umlauts('äöüß') #=> "aeoeuess"
Faker::Internet.domain_word #=> "haleyziemann"
Faker::Internet.domain_suffix #=> "info"
Faker::Internet.ip_v4_address #=> ""
Faker::Internet.ip_v6_address #=> "ac5f:d696:3807:1d72:2eb5:4e81:7d2b:e1df"
# Optional argument prefix=''
Faker::Internet.mac_address #=> "e6:0d:00:11:ed:4f"
Faker::Internet.mac_address('55:44:33') #=> "55:44:33:02:1d:9b"
# Optional arguments: host=domain_name, path="/#{user_name}"
Faker::Internet.url #=> ""
Faker::Internet.url('') #=> ""
Faker::Internet.url('', '/foobar.html') #=> ""
# Optional arguments: words=nil, glue=nil
Faker::Internet.slug #=> "pariatur_laudantium"
Faker::Internet.slug('foo bar') #=> ""
Faker::Internet.slug('foo bar', '-') #=> "foo-bar"
Faker::Lorem.word #=> "repellendus"
# Optional arguments: num=3, supplemental=false
Faker::Lorem.words #=> ["dolores", "adipisci", "nesciunt"]
Faker::Lorem.words(4) #=> ["culpa", "recusandae", "aut", "omnis"]
Faker::Lorem.words(4, true) #=> ["colloco", "qui", "vergo", "deporto"]
# Optional arguments: char_count=255
Faker::Lorem.characters #=> "uw1ep04lhs0c4d931n1jmrspprf5wrj85fefue0y7y6m56b6omquh7br7dhqijwlawejpl765nb1716idmp3xnfo85v349pzy2o9rir23y2qhflwr71c1585fnynguiphkjm8p0vktwitcsm16lny7jzp9t4drwav3qmhz4yjq4k04x14gl6p148hulyqioo72tf8nwrxxcclfypz2lc58lsibgfe5w5p0xv95peafjjmm2frkhdc6duoky0aha"
Faker::Lorem.characters(10) #=> "ang9cbhoa8"
# Optional arguments: word_count=4, supplemental=false, random_words_to_add=6
Faker::Lorem.sentence #=> "Dolore illum animi et neque accusantium."
Faker::Lorem.sentence(3) #=> "Commodi qui minus deserunt sed vero quia."
Faker::Lorem.sentence(3, true) #=> "Inflammatio denego necessitatibus caelestis autus illum."
Faker::Lorem.sentence(3, false, 4) #=> "Aut voluptatem illum fugit ut sit."
Faker::Lorem.sentence(3, true, 4) #=> "Accusantium tantillus dolorem timor."
# Optional arguments: sentence_count=3, supplemental=false
Faker::Lorem.sentences #=> ["Vero earum commodi soluta.", "Quaerat fuga cumque et vero eveniet omnis ut.", "Cumque sit dolor ut est consequuntur."]
Faker::Lorem.sentences(1) #=> ["Ut perspiciatis explicabo possimus doloribus enim quia."]
Faker::Lorem.sentences(1, true) #=> ["Quis capillus curo ager veritatis voro et ipsum."]
# Optional arguments: sentence_count=3, supplemental=false, random_sentences_to_add=3
Faker::Lorem.paragraph #=> "Neque dicta enim quasi. Qui corrupti est quisquam. Facere animi quod aut. Qui nulla consequuntur consectetur sapiente."
Faker::Lorem.paragraph(2) #=> "Illo qui voluptas. Id sit quaerat enim aut cupiditate voluptates dolorum. Porro necessitatibus numquam dolor quia earum."
Faker::Lorem.paragraph(2, true) #=> ""
Faker::Lorem.paragraph(2, false, 4) #=> ""
Faker::Lorem.paragraph(2, true, 4) #=> ""
# Optional arguments: paragraph_count=3, supplemental=false
Faker::Lorem.paragraphs #=> ""
Faker::Lorem.paragraphs(1) #=> ""
Faker::Lorem.paragraphs(1, true) #=> ""
ruby #=> "Tyshawn Johns Sr."
Faker::Name.first_name #=> "Kaci"
Faker::Name.last_name #=> "Ernser"
Faker::Name.prefix #=> "Mr."
Faker::Name.suffix #=> "IV"
Faker::Name.title #=> "Legacy Creative Director"
# Required parameter: digits
Faker::Number.number(10) #=> "1968353479"
Faker::Number.digit #=> "1"
Phone numbers may be in any of the following formats:
- 333-333-3333
- (333) 333-3333
- 1-333-333-3333
- 333.333.3333
- 333-333-3333
- 333-333-3333 x3333
- (333) 333-3333 x3333
- 1-333-333-3333 x3333
- 333.333.3333 x3333
(Don't let the example output below fool you - any format can be returned at random.)
Faker::PhoneNumber.phone_number #=> "397.693.1309"
Faker::PhoneNumber.cell_phone #=> "(186)285-7925"
# For the 'US only' methods below, first you must do the following:
Faker::Config.locale = 'en-us'
# US only
Faker::PhoneNumber.area_code #=> "201"
# US only
Faker::PhoneNumber.exchange_code #=> "208"
# Optional parameter: length=4
Faker::PhoneNumber.subscriber_number #=> "3873"
Faker::PhoneNumber.subscriber_number(2) #=> "39"
Faker::PhoneNumber.extension #=> "3764"
Are you having trouble writing tech-savvy dialogue for your latest screenplay? Worry not! Hollywood-grade technical talk is ready to fill out any form where you need to look smart.
# Full Phrase
Faker::Hacker.say_something_smart #=> "Try to compress the SQL interface, maybe it will program the back-end hard drive!"
# Short technical abbreviations
Faker::Hacker.abbreviation #=> "RAM"
# Hacker centric adjectives
Faker::Hacker.adjective #=> "open-source"
# Only the best hacker related nouns
Faker::Hacker.noun #=> "bandwidth"
# Actions that hackers take
Faker::Hacker.verb #=> "bypass"
# Verbs that end in -ing
Faker::Hacker.ingverb #=> "synthesizing"
Since you may want to make addresses and other types of data look different depending on where in the world you are (US postal codes vs. UK postal codes, for example), Faker uses the I18n gem to store strings (like state names) and formats (US postal codes are NNNNN while UK postal codes are AAN NAA), allowing you to get different formats by switching locales. Just set Faker::Config.locale to the locale you want, and Faker will take care of the rest.
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.