Task-DiscountCodes Public
This is a solution for a task to generate a discount code
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 9, 2025 -
MyChallenges Public
This is a mobile app with ReactNative for creating and tracing your challenges
Acceptance Testing in .NET with SpecFlow
C# UpdatedJul 12, 2024 -
Tool-ConvertTextToAudioTTS Public
Convert pdf or any text to audio
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 29, 2024 -
SeaBattlePaper Public
React Native Sea Battle Paper Game (simple for 2 players)
Competitive-Programming Public
My personal competitive programming solutions for Codeforces, Codewars, Kattis including fun things like the advent of code, algodaily and others
ChainOfMicroservices Public
Multiple microservices implemented with different programming languages joined to a single REST call chain.
Learning-CafeAppReactNative Public
First try of mobile app with react-native and random code shop domain
TypeScript UpdatedApr 15, 2024 -
Workshop_Notes Public
This repo is used to store notes for workshops I have led during my career.
C# UpdatedJul 27, 2023 -
Tool-TextWordCounter Public
This is a simple custom tool extract words from PDF and store them in EXCEL file. The key value of it to know the most common words used in a book already read. Good for language learning purposes
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 5, 2023 -
Tools-DetectAndCropImage Public
In this mini repo, we detect rectangle in image, crop that area, resize if needed and save to a folder. I used this mini script to crop cards from images
Python UpdatedFeb 26, 2023 -
Learning-DontTouchMyPresents Public
Forked from Gooodgis/dont-touch-my-presentsThis game was made in 3 days with Python and Pygame.
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 1, 2023 -
ArduinoHomeAutomationWithGSM Public
Home automation system usings Arduino GSM module
C++ UpdatedNov 8, 2020 -