A backup system, similar to TimeMachine. Supports encrypted, incremental backups, with filesystem based recovery.
SEL-ROC / SweetAda
Forked from gabriele-galeotti/SweetAdaAda-language framework
valeriob01 / network-mapper
Forked from sourabh14/network-mapperA dynamic network discovery and mapping tool
valeriob01 / libcrc
Forked from marcoguerri/libcrcLibrary which calculates CRC checksums
valeriob01 / fcs-control
Forked from marcoguerri/fcs-controlTool which allows to send Ethernet frames with corrupted Frame Check Sequence
valeriob01 / mfakto
Forked from Bdot42/mfaktoMersenne number trial factoring using OpenCL, primarily for GIMPS: Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
valeriob01 / infoware
Forked from ThePhD/infowareC++ Library for pulling system and hardware information, without hitting the command line.
This repository holds a makefile useful for installing a Mersenne prime gpu computing machine.
Linux Stress/Torture Testing and Benchmarking Scripts
A Video Surveillance OS For Single-board Computers
valeriob01 / primetools
Forked from teknohog/primetoolsScripts for working with prime number search
Linux Benchmarking Tool
Linux Remote Servers Status Monitoring Script
valeriob01 / Send-Msg-CLI
Forked from tdulcet/Send-Msg-CLILinux Send E-mail Script
Linux System Information Script
Linux System Usage Information Script
valeriob01 / gpuowl
Forked from preda/gpuowlGPU Mersenne primality test.
Collection of various BIOS/UEFI-related utilities which aid in research and/or modding purposes.
🖧 Distributed Computing Scripts for GIMPS, BOINC and Folding@home
NetDiscovery is an Arduino library for the ESP8266 that implements a simple UDP multicast discovery protocol on a WiFi network.
A dynamic network discovery and mapping tool
A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
The Robot Operating System, is a meta operating system for robots.
🐍 A ganglia python module for monitoring Slurm