about me:
- name is Valentin Fleurit
- programming enthusiast
- I like harsh-melodic music, hiking, sailing, swimming
- Math+Physics wizard in training... (in CPGE)
- Please take care of the Earth
my favorite projects:
- smarticles-fork – A particle simulation program
- fractal_rndr – A fractal renderer
- v2.valflrt.dev – My website made from scratch with typescript and built using Vite
- image_art – Some image experiments...
- omega_mandelbrot – A mandelbrot app for omega on the numworks calculator
- brainf-ck-rs – A brainf*ck interpreter with a visualizer
- shosha256 – A tiny sha256 hash previewer
- fencryption – A program to encrypt/decrypt directories (development stopped)
- discord-webhook-controller – A website to send messages to discord through a webhook