- Barcelona
- http://valillon.art
minimal-mistakes Public
Forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes📐 A flexible two-column Jekyll theme perfect for building personal sites, blogs, and portfolios.
HTML MIT License UpdatedJan 17, 2022 -
ELFW Public
Forked from multimedia-eurecat/ELFWDeveloping code on semantic segmentation for Extended Labeled Faces in the Wild
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 3, 2020 -
FaceMorph Public
Code to generate a face morphing effect between two faces.
ofxLeapMotion Public
Forked from ofTheo/ofxLeapMotionA wrapper for the Leap SDK ( 0.8.1 and up ) - compatible with Leap 1.0 Release
C++ UpdatedMay 7, 2020 -
ofxCv Public
Forked from kylemcdonald/ofxCvAlternative approach to interfacing with OpenCv from openFrameworks.
C++ Other UpdatedMay 7, 2020 -
DepthParallaxPainter Public
3D parallax effect by means of k-means unsupervised color clustering on depth-map.
DepthPainter Public
This software renders a canvas image in 3D space by using its corresponding depth map.
myconky Public
My conky configuration, it shows CPU load, RAM usage, GPU memory, running processes, IPs,...
UpdatedFeb 19, 2020 -
openFrameworks Public
Forked from openframeworks/openFrameworksopenFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
C++ Other UpdatedJan 31, 2019 -
ofxVoronoi Public
Forked from madc/ofxVoronoiSimple two-dimensional Voronoi diagrams
C++ UpdatedDec 17, 2018 -
ofxDelaunay Public
Forked from obviousjim/ofxDelaunayEfficient triangulation fill given a set of points
ofxFaceTracker2 Public
Forked from HalfdanJ/ofxFaceTracker2Landmark detection addon for openFrameworks using DLIB
C++ Other UpdatedSep 4, 2018 -
Contador-Desahucios Public
Un acto social para proyectar en una fachada o web el número de desahucios en España durante el 2013.
Processing UpdatedApr 24, 2015 -
ClockwiseThoughts Public
Interactive balls driven by audio (blinking) and OSC (movements).
Processing UpdatedJan 28, 2014 -
GenAppStoreSales Public
[DEPRECATED] Generating scheduled App Store sales reports & charts.