It's VIM 8 configurations files for developers comfortable work: Shell, Bash, C, C++, GoLang, Python (Django, Tornado template syntaxs), CSS/SCSS, HTML, JavaScript (JSON syntax), TypeScript.
Required parameters:
- OS UNIX-Like: Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS, etc.;
- vim (version: 8.0 +);
- git;
- curl;
- ctags;
- golang 1.15+.
Configurations include the installation of the forks of following packages:
- valsorym/vim-tabs - The vim plugin that allows you to comfortably manage of the tabs;
- valsorym/vim-clear - The plugin allows you to quickly search the not desired characters and remove them;
- valsorym/vim-highlighting - Syntax highlighting in files: go; python/cython; c/cpp; django, jinja2 and tornado templates; html5; css3; less; scss;
- valsorym/vim-code-theme - Nice dark theme for the vim/neovim;
- rainglow/vim - 320+ color themes for VIM;
- scrooloose/nerdtree - A tree explorer plugin for vim;
- jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs - NERDTree and tabs together in Vim, painlessly;
- jlanzarotta/bufexplorer - BufExplorer Plugin for Vim;
- shougo/deoplete.nvim - Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim/Vim8;
- roxma/nvim-yarp - Yet Another Remote Plugin Framework for Neovim;
- roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc - Is an experimental project, trying to build a compatibility layer for neovim rpc client working on vim8;
- chrisbra/colorizer - Color hex codes and color names;
- matze/vim-move - Plugin to move lines and selections up and down;
- elzr/vim-json - A better JSON for Vim: distinct highlighting of keywords vs values, JSON-specific (non-JS) warnings, quote concealing. Pathogen-friendly;
- terryma/vim-multiple-cursors - True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim;
- posva/vim-vue - Syntax Highlight for Vue.js components;
- fatih/vim-go - Go development plugin for Vim;
- vim-scripts/grep.vim - Grep search tools integration with Vim;
- preservim/tagbar - Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope;
- herringtondarkholme/yats.vim - Yet Another TypeScript Syntax: The most advanced TypeScript Syntax Highlighting in Vim;
- yuezk/vim-js - The most accurate syntax highlighting plugin for JavaScript and Flow.js;
- maxmellon/vim-jsx-pretty - JSX and TSX syntax pretty highlighting for vim;
- andymass/vim-matchup - Navigate and highlight matching words;
- obcat/vim-sclow - Text-based scrollbar for Vim.
Installation of base configurations is quite simple:
$ rm -Rf /tmp/vimrc && \
git clone [email protected]:valsorym/vimrc.git /tmp/vimrc && \
cd /tmp/vimrc && \
- save file;F8
- show encoding menu;F10
- open/close TagBar;F12
- show/hide row numbers line;C-o
- open file;C-w
- choose window;C-z
- undo;C-r
- redo;A-q
- reconnect the swap file - it helps when working with files through SSHFS, after crash;A-i
- color highlight toggle;C-A-x
- remove trailing blanks;C-Up
- scroll a 30% of the screen up or down;C-S-?
- show which function we are inside;%
- jump to the beginning[%
or end]%
of a block of code;C-A-r
- reload vim configs.
P.s. The other buttons correspond to the parameters by default.
- list of active buffers;C-n
- open new tab;F5
- tab prev;F6
- tab next.
- select all (visula mode);C-Ins
- copy text selected in visual mode (only ingvim
- copy text selected in visual mode;S-Ins
- paste;C-v
andC + v
(i.e. double down) - paste;C-v
- copy text to an external clipboard;S-a
- paste from an external clipboard.
P.s. Paste into menu bar: open menu S-:
and paste data from the clipboard C-r
, S-+
P.P.s. Install the vim-gtk
package, and use select-editor
to select the vim-gtk
by default.
- move current line/selections down;C-k
- move current line/selections up;S-f
- set multiple cursor mode / the allocation of the next word under the cursor, and:- During the search:
- the allocation of the previous word under the cursor;S-x
- ignore the current word and move on to the next;
- After selecting all the words, you can start editing:
- remove word and go into edit mode;I
- set the cursor in the begin of the word;A
- set the cursor in the end of the word.
- During the search:
- creates a fold from the cursor down # lines, for examplezf3j
- hide 3 lines;zf/
- string creates a fold from the cursor to string;zj
- moves the cursor to the next fold;zk
- moves the cursor to the previous fold;za
- toggle a fold at the cursor;zo
- opens a fold at the cursor;zO
- opens all folds at the cursor;zc
- closes a fold under cursor;zm
- increases the foldlevel by one;zM
- closes all open folds;zr
- decreases the foldlevel by one;zR
- decreases the foldlevel to zero -- all folds will be open;zd
- deletes the fold at the cursor;zE
- deletes all folds;[z
- move to start of open fold;]z
- move to end of open fold.
Click C-v
and move arrow for select block, and click:
- to replace the contents of the block;d
- to delete the content of the block;S-i
- to move the cursor to the begin of the block (handy when you add spaces at the beginning of the line);S-a
- to move the cursor to the end of the block.
P.s. Enter some text (the text will be written only in the one line), and click Esc
- open/close NERDTree;S-b
- show bookmarks;C-b
- add folder to bookmarks;S-d
- remove bookmark (in bookmark section);S-c
- choose folder as root;m
- open file manager menu.
Problem: If we have such a directory structure:
So - open this files, we have tabs (it is style 0
1. | 2. | 3.
It is problem, because we don't know which file open on tab 2! Now we've added a tab styles.
Set custom style for vim (for example - style 3):
echo "set tabline=%!TabName(3)" >> ~/.vimrc
Set custom style for neovim (for example - style 3):
echo "set tabline=%!TabName(3)" >> ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
Show parent folder and filename. Show only parent folder, not full path to file.
1. models/ | 2. forms/ | 3. views/
Show only first and last symbol from parent folder and filename.
1. m..s/ | 2. f..s/ | 3. v..s/
Show only first symbol from parent folder and filename.
1. m/ | 2. f/ | 3. v/
But if we have files:
Problem - models
and managers
starts with m
1. m/ | 2. m/
Show only three first symbol from parent folder + filename. But if the name of the parent directory is less or equal to 5 characters - it is displayed as full.
1. mod../ | 2. forms/ | 3. views/
If you open 2-5 tabs - you have no problems. But if you have opened 25 tabs - it is a problem. All the tabs do not fit on the screen. Therefore, if you have more than 5 tabs open, and you begin to edit tab - the current tab automatically moves to the last position.
Copy, modify and use in anywhere!
Please, leave the links to the original plugins and solutions that you use in your configurations. Respect the work of other developers!