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Comparison between Adaptive Switching Median Filter (ASWM), Switching Median Filter (SWM) and classic Median Filter applied on images


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Adaptive Switching Median Filter

Implementation of "A new adaptive switching median filter", by Akkoul, Smaïl, et al. [IEEE Signal Processing Letters 17.6 (2010)].
Comparison between Adaptive Switching Median Filter (ASWM), Switching Median Filter (SWM) and classic Median Filter applied on images.


Reading and displaying images

from skimage import io, color, measure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

dir_path = './images/'
img_names = ['lena_color_512.bmp', 'peppers_512.png', 'penguins_512.jpg',
             'baboon_512.png', 'lighthouse_512.bmp', 'parrots_512.bmp']

img_paths = [dir_path + _ for _ in img_names]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15))

for i, img_path in enumerate(img_paths):
    img = io.imread(img_path)
    fig.add_subplot(2,3,i+1); plt.imshow(img)

Test images

Defining the impulsive noise function (salt and pepper) and applying it to images

def sp_noise(img_orig, ratio = 0.1):
    img = img_orig.copy()
    l, c, ch = img.shape
    length = int(l * c * ratio)
    lin = np.random.randint(0, l, [length])
    col = np.random.randint(0, c, [length])
    up_down = np.random.randint(0, 2, [length])
    for i in range(length):
        img[lin[i], col[i], np.random.randint(0, 3)] = 255 * up_down[i]
    return img
prob = 0.3

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15))

for i, img_path in enumerate(img_paths):
    img = io.imread(img_path)
    img_noise = sp_noise(img, prob)
    fig.add_subplot(2,3,i+1); plt.imshow(img_noise)

Test images with noise

Implementation of classic median filters and SWM (Switching Median Filter)

The classic median filter

def median_filter(img):
    img_out = img.copy()
    l, c, ch = img_out.shape
    for k in range(ch):
        for i in range(1, l - 2):
            for j in range(1, c - 2):
                V = np.sort(img[i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2, k], axis = None)
                img_out[i, j, k] = V[4]
    return img_out.astype(np.uint8)

Switching Median Filter - SWM

The SWM filter is more efficient in eliminating impulse noise and preserving image characteristics. The filter replaces a pixel damaged by the median or processed value of the neighboring pixel. Uncorrupted pixels are left unchanged [2].

Switching Median Filter SWM Algorithm

where, $A_{ij}$ is the intensity of the central pixel in the filter window, $A_{min}$, $A_{max}$ and $A_{med}$ are the minimum, maximum, and average value of the pixels in the noisy image filtering window. $A_{i-1, j}$ is the intensity of the immediately adjacent pixel, already processed.

[2] Pushpavalli, R., and G. Sivaradje. "Switching median filter for Image Enhancement." International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 3.2 (2012): 1-5. Source:

def swm_filter(img):
    img_out = img.copy()
    l, c, ch = img_out.shape
    for k in range(ch):
        for i in range(1, l - 2):
            for j in range(1, c - 2):    
                V = np.sort(img[i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2, k], axis = None)
                V_min, V_max = V[0], V[-1]
                if V_min < img_out[i, j, k] < V_max:
                    pass # no filtering needed
                    median = V[4]
                    if median != V_min and median != V_max:
                        img_out[i, j, k] = median
                        img_out[i, j, k] = img_out[i-1, j, k]
    return img_out.astype(np.uint8)

Applying classic median and SWM filters to an image

path = './images/'
img_path = path+'lena_color_512.bmp'

prob = 0.3

img = io.imread(img_path)
img_noise = sp_noise(img, prob)

img_median = median_filter(img_noise)
img_swm = swm_filter(img_noise)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15))
fig.add_subplot(1,3,1).set_title(f'Lena impulsive p = {prob}'); plt.imshow(img_noise)
fig.add_subplot(1,3,2).set_title('Lena classic median filter'); plt.imshow(img_median)
fig.add_subplot(1,3,3).set_title('Lena SWM filter'); plt.imshow(img_swm)

Lena test image median noise

Implementing the ASWM filter (from the article)

The ASWM filter does not require an a priori threshold as in the case of a conventional switching median filter. Instead, the threshold is calculated locally from the image pixel intensity values in a sliding window. The results in the article show that ASWM offers better performance in terms of PSNR and MAE than many other median filter variants for impulse noise. In addition, the article states that the filter can store more details in a noisy environment.

For the ASWM filter, the weighted mean value and the weighted standard deviation are estimated in the current window. Weights are the inverse of the distance between the weighted average value of the pixels in a given window and the pixel considered. As a result, impulsive noise does not corrupt the determination of these threshold threshold statistics.

In each window, the weighted average is first iteratively estimated. Then the weighted standard deviation is calculated and the threshold is determined.

The steps of the algorithm are as follows:


  • For each window, the weighted mean value $ M_w $ will be calculated in a window of a chosen size (eg. 5x5) that surrounds the current pixel in the image scrolling


where $X_{i,j}$ represents the brightness level of the pixel at position $ i, j $, and $ w_ {k, l} $ the weights of the pixels in that neighborhood (window), which are initially initialized by 1.

Step 1

  • New weights are estimated based on $\delta$ (delta), with a default value of $\delta = 0.1 $ to avoid divisions to zero


  • Recalculate the weighted average value using the weighted mean formula used previously

Step 2

  • Check the codition:


where $\epsilon$ (epsilon)​ represents a default value equal to $\epsilon = 0.01$, and $ M_w(i, j)^t $, $M_w(i, j)^{t-1}$ represents the iteration weighted average value $ t $, respectively the previous iteration $ t-1 $.

  • If the condition is true, then stop the iterations to recalculate the average value, and move on to the next step
  • If the condition is not met, go back to step 1

Step 3

  • Calculates the weighted standard deviation $\sigma_w(i, j)$ (sigma) for the current window

Weighted Standard Deviation

Step 4

  • The following decision rule is used:

AWWM Filter decision rule

where $m_{i,j}$ represents the median of the current window $ W_ {i, j} $ and $\alpha$ represents a threshold (initialized with $\alpha = 20$) that decreases with each iteration by multiplying by 0.8.

AWWM Filter Threshold

  • Go to the next pixel in the image and return to the initialization and step 1
def ASWM_filter(img, delta = 0.1, error = 0.01):
    img_out = img.copy()
    l, c, ch = img_out.shape
    for k in range(ch):
        for i in range(1, l - 2):
            for j in range(1, c - 2):
                alpha = 20
                window = img[i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2, k]
                # Initialization
                weights = np.array([[[1] * 3] * 3])
                windowMean = np.sum(np.multiply(weights, window)) / np.sum(weights)
                while True:
                    windowMeanOld = windowMean
                    # Step 1: Estimate the weights
                    weights = 1 / (np.abs((window - windowMean)) + delta)
                    windowMean = np.sum(np.multiply(weights, window)) / np.sum(weights)
                    # Step 2 condtion
                    if np.abs(windowMean - windowMeanOld) < error:
                    alpha *= 0.8
                windowStdDeviation = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.multiply(weights, (window - windowMean)**2)) / np.sum(weights))
                if np.abs(img_out[i, j, k] - windowMean) > (alpha * windowStdDeviation):
                    img_out[i, j, k] = np.sort(window, axis = None)[4]
                    img_out[i, j, k] = img_out[i, j, k]
    return img_out.astype(np.uint8)

ASWM filter test on a small (64 x 64) image for debugging purposes:

from datetime import datetime
tic =

path = './images/'
img_path = path+'lena_color_64.bmp'

img = io.imread(img_path)
img_noise = sp_noise(img, 0.3)

print(f'Duration: { - tic}')
Duration: 0:00:04.789234

Applying the ASWM filter to an image

from datetime import datetime
tic =

path = './images/'
img_path = path+'lena_color_512.bmp'

prob = 0.3

img = io.imread(img_path)
img_noise = sp_noise(img, prob)

img_ASWM = ASWM_filter(img_noise)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15))
fig.add_subplot(1,2,1).set_title(f'Lena impulsive p = {prob}'); plt.imshow(img_noise)
fig.add_subplot(1,2,2).set_title('Lena ASWM filter'); plt.imshow(img_ASWM)

print(f'Duration: { - tic}')
Duration: 0:04:53.220245

Lena filtered ASWM filter

Noise measurement functions (PSNR, MAE)

# Mean squared error
def mse(imgInit, imgFinal): 
    r = np.asarray(imgInit, dtype=np.float64).ravel()
    c = np.asarray(imgFinal, dtype=np.float64).ravel()
    return np.mean(np.abs(r - c)**2)

# Peak signal-to-noise ratio
def PSNR(imgInit, imgFinal):
    rng = imgInit.max() - imgFinal.min()
    dv = (rng + 0.0)**2
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
        rt = dv / mse(imgInit, imgFinal)
    return 10.0 * np.log10(rt)

# Mean absolute error
def MAE(imgInit, imgFinal):  
    r = np.asarray(imgInit, dtype=np.float64).ravel()
    c = np.asarray(imgFinal, dtype=np.float64).ravel()
    return np.mean(np.abs(r - c))

Comparison between the 3 filters: Median, SWM, ASWM

from datetime import datetime
from time import time

dir_path = './images/'
img_names = ['lena_color_256.bmp', 'peppers_256.png', 'penguins_256.jpg',
             'baboon_256.png', 'lighthouse_256.bmp', 'parrots_256.bmp']
img_paths = [dir_path + _ for _ in img_names]

prob = 0.3

for img_path in img_paths:
    tic =
    # Apply impulsive noise
    img = io.imread(img_path)
    img_noise = sp_noise(img, prob)
    # Apply filters
    time_med = time()
    img_median = median_filter(img_noise)
    time_med = time() - time_med
    time_swm = time()
    img_swm = swm_filter(img_noise)
    time_swm = time() - time_swm
    time_ASWM = time()
    img_ASWM = ASWM_filter(img_noise)
    time_ASWM = time() - time_ASWM
    # Compute PSNR, MAE
    img_median_PSNR = PSNR(img, img_median)
    img_median_MAE = MAE(img, img_median)
    img_swm_PSNR = PSNR(img, img_swm)
    img_swm_MAE = MAE(img, img_swm)
    img_ASWM_PSNR = PSNR(img, img_ASWM)
    img_ASWM_MAE = MAE(img, img_ASWM)
    # Show images
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15))
    fig.add_subplot(2,2,1).set_title(f'impulsive p = {prob}'); plt.imshow(img_noise)
    fig.add_subplot(2,2,2).set_title(f'median filter PSNR = {img_median_PSNR:.3f}, MAE = {img_median_MAE:.3f}');
    fig.add_subplot(2,2,3).set_title(f'SWM filter PSNR = {img_swm_PSNR:.3f}, MAE = {img_swm_MAE:.3f}');
    fig.add_subplot(2,2,4).set_title(f'ASWM filter PSNR = {img_ASWM_PSNR:.3f}, MAE = {img_ASWM_MAE:.3f}');
    # Print duration, PSNR & MAE values
    toc =
    print(f'{img_path}, Total duration: {toc - tic} ({time_med:.2f}s Median) ({time_swm:.2f}s SWM) ({time_ASWM:.2f}s ASWM)')
    print(f'Median_PSNR = {img_median_PSNR:.3f} dB, Median_MAE = {img_median_MAE:.3f}')
    print(f'SWM_PSNR = {img_swm_PSNR:.3f} dB, SWN_MAE = {img_swm_MAE:.3f}')
    print(f'ASWM_PSNR = {img_ASWM_PSNR:.3f} dB, ASWM_MAE = {img_ASWM_MAE:.3f}\n')
./images/lena_color_256.bmp, Total duration: 0:01:08.910994 (1.34s Median) (1.18s SWM) (66.12s ASWM)
Median_PSNR = 27.931 dB, Median_MAE = 4.022
SWM_PSNR = 29.772 dB, SWN_MAE = 1.601
ASWM_PSNR = 28.521 dB, ASWM_MAE = 2.317

./images/peppers_256.png, Total duration: 0:01:08.746201 (1.04s Median) (1.18s SWM) (66.26s ASWM)
Median_PSNR = 28.052 dB, Median_MAE = 3.161
SWM_PSNR = 29.351 dB, SWN_MAE = 1.329
ASWM_PSNR = 28.555 dB, ASWM_MAE = 1.714

./images/penguins_256.jpg, Total duration: 0:01:07.053629 (1.05s Median) (1.25s SWM) (64.51s ASWM)
Median_PSNR = 26.627 dB, Median_MAE = 3.822
SWM_PSNR = 28.640 dB, SWN_MAE = 1.656
ASWM_PSNR = 27.070 dB, ASWM_MAE = 2.551

./images/baboon_256.png, Total duration: 0:01:10.993624 (1.09s Median) (1.19s SWM) (68.46s ASWM)
Median_PSNR = 23.026 dB, Median_MAE = 10.745
SWM_PSNR = 26.073 dB, SWN_MAE = 3.946
ASWM_PSNR = 23.729 dB, ASWM_MAE = 7.584

./images/lighthouse_256.bmp, Total duration: 0:01:06.618931 (1.09s Median) (1.19s SWM) (64.08s ASWM)
Median_PSNR = 25.699 dB, Median_MAE = 5.562
SWM_PSNR = 27.479 dB, SWN_MAE = 2.353
ASWM_PSNR = 26.266 dB, ASWM_MAE = 3.715

./images/parrots_256.bmp, Total duration: 0:01:08.024636 (1.14s Median) (1.20s SWM) (65.47s ASWM)
Median_PSNR = 28.875 dB, Median_MAE = 2.400
SWM_PSNR = 30.422 dB, SWN_MAE = 0.976
ASWM_PSNR = 29.249 dB, ASWM_MAE = 1.412








Having the values PSNR, MAE for each of the displayed images, we can draw up the following table:

PSNR = Peak Signal to Noise Ratio [dB] - The higher the better
MAE = Mean Absolute Error - The lower the better

Image / Filter Median SWM ASWM
lena_color_512 PSNR (dB) 29.902 32.153 30.783
MAE 3.832 1.451 2.012
peppers_512 PSNR (dB) 29.134 30.474 30.011
MAE 4.044 1.789 2.109
penguins_512 PSNR (dB) 28.246 30.464 28.837
MAE 3.53 1.585 2.279
baboon_512 PSNR (dB) 22.448 25.895 23.193
MAE 11.728 4.102 8.285
lighthouse_512 PSNR (dB) 27.315 28.982 28.085
MAE 4.807 2.044 2.95
parrots_512 PSNR (dB) 32.475 34.025 32.929
MAE 1.529 0.631 0.744
Results on 512x512 images with a probabilty of 30% random-valued impulsive noise

We can run the tests again and draw up tables for lower resolution images as well:

Image / Filter Median SWM ASWM
lena_color_256 PSNR (dB) 27.931 29.772 28.521
MAE 4.022 1.601 2.317
Time (s) 1.34s 1.18s 66.12s
peppers_256 PSNR (dB) 28.052 29.351 28.555
MAE 3.161 1.329 1.714
Time (s) 1.04s 1.18s 66.26s
penguins_256 PSNR (dB) 26.627 28.64 27.07
MAE 3.822 1.656 2.551
Time (s) 1.05s 1.25s 64.51s
baboon_256 PSNR (dB) 23.026 26.073 23.729
MAE 10.745 3.946 7.584
Time (s) 1.09s 1.19s 68.46s
lighthouse_256 PSNR (dB) 25.699 27.479 26.266
MAE 5.562 2.353 3.715
Time (s) 1.09s 1.19s 64.08s
parrots_256 PSNR (dB) 28.875 30.422 29.249
MAE 2.4 0.976 1.412
Time (s) 1.14s 1.20s 65.47s
Results on 256x256 images with a probabilty of 30% random-valued impulsive noise

Image / Filter Median SWM ASWM
lena_color_128 PSNR (dB) 26.113 27.49 26.473
MAE 4.259 1.79 2.716
Time (s) 0.25s 0.31s 16.87s
peppers_128 PSNR (dB) 25.203 26.901 25.63
MAE 4.336 1.734 1.734
Time (s) 0.28s 0.29s 17.54s
penguins_128 PSNR (dB) 24.306 26.353 24.659
MAE 5.092 2.124 3.559
Time (s) 0.27s 0.27s 16.07s
baboon_128 PSNR (dB) 23.896 26.077 24.58
MAE 8.988 3.46 6.121
Time (s) 0.27s 0.29s 16.96s
lighthouse_128 PSNR (dB) 25.147 26.814 25.685
MAE 5.584 2.371 3.75
Time (s) 0.26s 0.28s 16.30s
parrots_128 PSNR (dB) 26.291 27.383 26.619
MAE 3.398 1.459 2.135
Time (s) 0.33s 0.33s 16.67s
Results on 128x128 images with a probabilty of 30% random-valued impulsive noise



From the tables displayed above, we can see that the SWM (Medium Switching Filter) filter provides the best results in terms of the values of the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio and the absolute average error.

In each case we notice that the ASWM filter presented in the article still offers better results than the classic median filter, especially in cases where it is applied to higher resolution images (example 512x512 px).


Although the SWM filters images better based on PSNR, MAE values, when applied to certain images, some distortion may occur. For example, in the case of the lighthouse.bmp image, unusual streaks can be seen in the center of the headlight. These distortions may occur due to the luminance level of the previous pixel being taken over if the median value itself is "corrupted" (ie the median value in the window is equal to one of the values at the extremities, after sorting).

In the case of the classic median filter and ASWM, no noticeable distortions occur.

Images with gray vs color levels

The algorithm in the article has been implemented in order to filter images with gray levels, so when applying the ASWM filter we should not expect better results for color images.

At the same time, considering this aspect, the results of the PSNR, MAE values in the article may differ from the results obtained previously in this project.


The ASWM filter is the weakest in terms of performance, requiring a much higher computational time than the algorithms for the classic median filter, respectively SWM. We can take as an example the image lena_color_256.bmp, for which we obtained the times(1.34s Median) `` (1.18s SWM) `` (66.12s ASWM), where the time required to calculate the application of the ASWM filter is approximately 55 times higher.

The ASWM filter provides an additional calculation to iteratively estimate the weights and the weighted average value and to calculate the weighted standard deviation for each window surrounding the current pixel. Thus the whole process brings very high computational costs compared to the classic median and SWM filters.


[1] Akkoul, Smaïl, et al. "A new adaptive switching median filter." IEEE Signal Processing Letters 17.6 (2010): 587-590.

[2] Pushpavalli, R., and G. Sivaradje. "Switching median filter for Image Enhancement." International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 3.2 (2012): 1-5.


Released under MIT License. Source code written by me.


Comparison between Adaptive Switching Median Filter (ASWM), Switching Median Filter (SWM) and classic Median Filter applied on images







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