- This is telegram Bot uses Telethon & aiohttp library which asyncronously download files from telegram.
- Get Direct Download Link In a Sec.
- Fastest Telegram Link Generator Bot
STEP 1: Press 👉🏻
STEP 2: get You App credentials from https://my.telegram.org/auth.
STEP 3: put variable value in the heroku env. variables.
STEP 4: get environment Variable ( BOT Token ) from BotFather
STEP 5: Put Heroku_App_URL Variable to your Heroku App Link..
STEP 5: Boom!.... your done!\
Simply clone the repository and run Command In Python3 -m tgfilestream
git clone https://github.com/prdpjngd/fileherobot.git
cd fileherobot
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
STEP 2: Get You App credentials from https://my.telegram.org/auth
STEP 3: Put your API ID & API HASH in Config.py file.
STEP 4: Paste Your Bot Token In Config.py
STEP 5: Set variable [ Heroku_App_URL ] or [ Server_URL ] to "Localhost"
STEP 6: Run Command --> Python3 -m tgfilestream
STEP 7: Boom your Done...
How to get your API ID & API HASH from https://my.telegram.org/auth 👇
STEP 1: Login with Your number in international format
STEP 2: Create App & copy API ID & API Hash of your app.
STEP 3: Go to Bot Father in telegram and create a bot
STEP 4: Generate Bot token and copy to creds.py file.
: Telegram bot token , get from BotfatherTG_API_ID
: APP API_ID get this from my.telegram.orgTG_API_HASH
: APP API_HASH get this from my.telegram.orgHeroku_App_URL
: This is your Heroku app URL.
For example : your Heroku app name is tgfilestream - Then Your URL is -> https://tgfilestream.herokuapp.com