Automatically track applications usage and working time.
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- View application usage and online time in timeline and table
- Add log items
- Statistics and summaries
- Remind user to start new log item.
- Group log items (e.g 'Working with tockler' or 'JIRA-1234')
- Remind to take a break
- Electron with Webpack and Typescript
- React
- D3 v4 and Victory Chart
- Ant Design
By default, tockler writes logs to the following locations:
on Linux: ~/.config/tockler/logs/main.log
on macOS: ~/Library/Logs/tockler/main.log
on Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\tockler\logs\main.log
This project needs you! If you would like to support this project's further development, feel free to donate. Your donation is highly appreciated. Thank you!
Feel free to make feature requests and 'Star' this project.
git clone # Download this project
npm install yarn -g # install yarn or binary from
Renderer and main process builds have been separated. It's easier to boilerplate this project and switch client framework.
cd client/
yarn install # Install dependencies
npm start
cd electron/
yarn install # Install dependencies
yarn start
Build scripts samples are in travis/appveyor files.' in powershell as admin
$cert = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\CurrentUser\My -CodeSigningCert
Set-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath '.\app\get-foreground-window-title.ps1' -Certificate $cert
GNU General Public License v2.0 2017 MayGo @
- On app launch only tray window runs. Main window does not open.
- Main window opens from tray windows arrow or by reopening application.