SparkFun-Eagle-Libraries Public
Forked from sparkfun/SparkFun-Eagle-LibrariesSparkFun's Public Eagle PCB Footprints
UpdatedOct 31, 2019 -
Js2Py Public
Forked from PiotrDabkowski/Js2PyJavaScript to Python Translator & JavaScript interpreter written in 100% pure Python🚀 Try it online:
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 4, 2018 -
python-fitbit Public
Forked from orcasgit/python-fitbitFitbit API Python Client Implementation
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QuickDraw Public
Forked from akshaybahadur21/QuickDrawA simple implementation of Google's Quick Draw Project for humans.
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LSTM-Human-Activity-Recognition Public
Forked from guillaume-chevalier/LSTM-Human-Activity-RecognitionHuman Activity Recognition example using TensorFlow on smartphone sensors dataset and an LSTM RNN (Deep Learning algo). Classifying the type of movement amongst six activity categories - Guillaume …
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Forked from afshinea/stanford-cs-229-machine-learningVIP cheatsheets for Stanford's CS 229 Machine Learning
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MachineLearningWithPython Public
Forked from nursnaaz/MachineLearningWithPythonWorkshop
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Forked from nursnaaz/CheetSheetMachine learning cheetsheets
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Forked from nursnaaz/sklearn-pandasPandas integration with sklearn
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Artificial-Intelligence-Deep-Learning-Machine-Learning-Tutorials Public
Forked from nursnaaz/Artificial-Intelligence-Deep-Learning-Machine-Learning-TutorialsA comprehensive list of Deep Learning / Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tutorials - rapidly expanding into areas of AI/Deep Learning / Machine Vision / NLP and industry specific areas …
Python Other UpdatedFeb 15, 2018 -
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Forked from nursnaaz/Machine-Learning-Workshop-with-R-IITM-R UpdatedOct 22, 2017 -
8PointDCT_Verilog Public
Forked from viralgokani/8PointDCT_VerilogDiscrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is one of the important image compression algorithms used in image processing applications. Several algorithms have been proposed over the last couple of decades to …
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Forked from pdelboca/human-activity-recognition-using-smartphonesProject for Getting and Cleaning Data Course of Coursera Data Science Specialization
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