For use with the Embedly service at:
APIs Supported:
- oEmbed: Complete
- Preview: Almost Complete - Model Response Structure May Change.
- Objectify: Almost Complete - Model Response Structure May Change.
Note: The Preview and Objectify endpoints require a paid account in order to use. An error will be returned and will result in a LogicException being thrown if you try to fetch from one of these services with the free account.
- Download NodrewEmbedlyBundle
- Configure the Autoloader
- Enable the Bundle
- Add your Embedly provider key
Ultimately, the NodrewEmbedlyBundle files should be downloaded to the
This can be done in several ways, depending on your preference. The first method is the standard Symfony2 method.
Using the vendors script
Add the following lines in your deps
Now, run the vendors script to download the bundle:
$ php bin/vendors install
Using submodules
If you prefer instead to use git submodules, then run the following:
$ git submodule add vendor/bundles/Nodrew/Bundle/EmbedlyBundle
$ git submodule update --init
// app/autoload.php
$loader = new UniversalClassLoader();
// ...
'Nodrew' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\NodrewEmbedlyBundle(),
# app/config/config.yml
key: [your api key]
There are 3 client's that can be used. Each corrisponds to the Embedly endpoing of the same name:
- oEmbed: nodrew_embedly.oembed.client
- Preview: nodrew_embedly.preview.client
- Objectify: nodrew_embedly.objectify.client
The interface and usage for each of these is the same, so we'll be using the oEmbed interface for the usage examples.
$client = $container->get('nodrew_embedly.oembed.client');
$response = $client->fetch('');
$response; // Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\Model\Response\ResponseInterface object
$client = $container->get('nodrew_embedly.oembed.client');
$responses = $client->fetch(array('',''));
$responses; // array of Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\Model\Response\ResponseInterface objects
A subclass of the Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\Model\Response\ResponseInterface is always expected. If one is not returned, then there was likely a problem contacting Embedly or a timeout occurred.
If the ErrorResponse object is returned, then it will contain an error message and error code describing as best as possible what happened. Usually this happens when a 404 is returned by the target url and Embedly is unable to fetch information about it. It may also contain a 500 type error if there is an issue with the target path's server.
- Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\Model\Response\LinkResponse
- Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\Model\Response\PhotoResponse
- Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\Model\Response\VideoResponse
- Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\Model\Response\RichResponse
- Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\Model\Response\ErrorResponse
- Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\Model\Response\PreviewResponse
- Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\Model\Response\ErrorResponse
- Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\Model\Response\ObjectifyResponse
- Nodrew\Bundle\EmbedlyBundle\Model\Response\ErrorResponse
These options may be added to the configuration. The timeout is how long you will wait for Embedly to return. If you plan to use the multiple URL feature, I suggest upping this number, as Embedly is very fast on single URLs, especially highly trafficked ones. However, the more obscure the URL, and the more you provide, the longer they will take to process.
For the rest of the options, see the Embedly query argument documentation for a full reference of what they do. Note: there are a couple options that were removed, simply because they did not make sense in the context of this bundle. If you feel like one of those is needed, then please let me know through the bug reports and I'll see what I can do to incorporate it.
// app/config/config.yml
timeout: 3
width: ~
maxwidth: ~
maxheight: ~
wmode: opaque
nostyle: ~
autoplay: ~
videosrc: ~
words: 50
chars: ~
- More tests
- Add objects and parsing for the Preview and Objectify factories, to process Events, Places and Images into.