Somewhere in your program, usually as a global, though it need not be global, define the singleton CppCurses:
CppCurses curses;
This is not active until you open it thusly:
Window *main_win = nullptr;
if ( !(main_win = )
The main window may also be fetched any time after curses is open, with:
main_win = curses.main_window();
Curses can later be shutdown with:
From this point on, your interactions should be with the returned Window objects. For example:
Window *w = main_win->new_window(15,20,8,30);
std::unique_ptr up_w(w);
w->mvprintf(2,3,"This is {2,3} within w ");
The std::unique_ptr will delete the window when your code goes out of scope, to automatically delete the window.
To get a character without blocking use:
int ch = w->getch();
The value -1 is returned if there were no characters pending. A lazy way to block until a character is received, can be done thusly:
int ch = w->readch();
See the header file include/window.hpp for the full Window API. It provides normal windows, border windows and the ability to create subwindows within a window, for display safety.
Attributes are selected through characters, as shown in the following table
Char Curses Macro Used Internally
'N', A_NORMAL // Normal display (no highlight)
'S', A_STANDOUT // Best highlighting mode of the terminal.
'U', A_UNDERLINE // Underlining
'R', A_REVERSE // Reverse video
'b', A_BLINK // Blinking
'D', A_DIM // Half bright
'B', A_BOLD // Extra bright or bold
'A', A_ALTCHARSET // Alternate character set
This arrangement allows you to conveniently set several attributes at once:
w->attr_on("RbB"); // Enable Reverse, Blink and Bold
w->attr_off("bB"); // Disable Blink and Bold
A limited set of graphic characters are supported through the addgrstr() method. The following code draws a window with panes:
w->move(13,10).addgrstr("| | |");
w->move(15,10).addgrstr("| | |");
Many of the Windows methods return a reference to "self", so that several operations can be chained. An example of this was shown above for setting graphics.
is equivalent to:
To build the library, do:
$ make
This creates libcppcurses.a, which can be statically linked against.
To install set your PREFIX and make install:
$ PREFIX=/usr/local make install
Set your Makefile so that include files will be pulled from $(PREFIX)/include:
#include <cppcurses/cppcurses.hpp>
This will automatically include <cppcurses/window.hpp>.
The grotty test program main.cpp tests some minimal functionality. Type
make main (or make example)
and run it:
Just press a key to advance beyond the current program state. Source code is in main.cpp.
Yes, the spelling of "color" is "colour" in Canada, eh? If this offends you, fork the repo and change it.