This is fork of deleted repo.
OSDCatalog is the PowerShell Module that I use to generation WSUS XML files for OSDBuilder and OSDUpdate. I didn't develop this for everybody's to use, just for me personally so I wouldn't have to do everything manually, but I have always been one to share my work. Keep in mind this is not 100% ready for your environment, as I've only tested it on my WSUS Virtual Machine. I don't have plans to make this work for YOUR environment, but if you would like to help me with that, feel free to pull from GitHub (original repo has been deleted) and give me a hand.
New-OSDCatalog -WsusServer wsus -SaveDirectory "C:\Catalogs\" -OSDeployCatalog "Windows 10"
New-OSDCatalog -WsusServer wsus -SaveDirectory "C:\Catalogs\" -OSDeployCatalog "Windows Server 2012 R2"
New-OSDCatalog -WsusServer wsus -SaveDirectory "C:\Catalogs\" -OSDeployCatalog "Office 2016"