era-contracts Public
Forked from matter-labs/era-contractsSmart Contract Submodule For zkSync Era
zksync-era Public
Forked from matter-labs/zksync-erazkSync era
era-consensus Public
Forked from matter-labs/era-consensusConsensus layer implementation for zkSync Era
scroll Public
Forked from scroll-tech/scrollScroll's Monorepo
socket-DL Public
Forked from SocketDotTech/socket-DL -
go-ethereum Public
Forked from scroll-tech/go-ethereumScroll's fork of the official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
scroll-contract-deploy-demo Public
Forked from scroll-tech/scroll-contract-deploy-demoThis project demonstrates how to use hardhat or foundry to deploy a contract to Scroll's zkEVM rollup
scroll-prover Public
Forked from scroll-tech/scroll-proverScroll's zkEVM rust crates
era-sync_vm Public
Forked from matter-labs/era-sync_vmCircuit Implementation of zkVM for zkSync Era