A WIP alternative ranking system for osu! (and self-proclaimed successor of o!rl)
This project is unfinished, heavily Work-In-Progress, very much in need of more features and planning, most likely full of bugs, and it hasn't had any work done to allow external reuse of modules, interfacing, APIs etc.
See todo.md for a general roadmap on the project (periodically updated)
osuvs makes use of the Plackett-Luce model implementation provided by the openskill Python package.
Currently, only manually selected, 1v1 matches are supported, but any configuration is possible in the future.
- Discord application with a bot user
- osu! oauth application
- activated Python virtual environment (optional)
$ pip install -r requirements.txt # install dependencies
$ python 'extra utils'/init_db.py # initialize database
Enter the names of the rating models (separated by spaces):
$ python 'extra utils'/setup_token.py # save Discord API secret
Enter your Discord bot token: *****
$ python 'extra utils'/setup_osu_api.py # save osu! API secrets
Enter your client ID: 123456789
Enter your client secret: *****
$ python bot.py
2024-08-18 18:47:24 INFO discord.client logging in using static token
2024-08-18 18:47:26 INFO discord.gateway Shard ID None has connected to Gateway (Session ID: a1ef0fb26844e08ec98848df67387fd0).
Logged in as osu-vs#5228 (ID: 1271214102458404864)
Got guild: verarr's discord bot factory
owo bot is here: 289066747443675143