This is a Quarto template that assists you in creating a manuscript for your PhD thesis at the University of Skövde. You can learn more about ...
You can use this as a template to create a manuscript for a dissertation, licentiate thesis, thesis proposal, or research proposal. To do this, use the following command:
quarto use template verbalins/his-template
This will install the extension and create an example qmd file and bibiography that you can use as a starting place for your article.
You may also use this format with an existing Quarto project or document. From the quarto project or document directory, run the following command to install this format:
quarto install extension verbalins/his-template
To use the format, you can use the format names his-pdf
and his-html
. For example:
quarto render --to his-pdf
or for preview:
quarto preview --to his-html
or in your document yaml:
keep-tex: true
The his-template format supports a number of options for customizing the format and appearance of the document. Specify these under the his-metadata
Two main types of outputs, thesis or report. The thesis outputs are intended for printing, and are therefore typeset on a smaller paper size. They also require different content.
- uses a purple background
- uses a grey background
The proposal outputs are instead in a4 format:
- for research proposals
- for thesis proposals
For example, from _quarto.yml
keep-tex: true
- english
- cover
- final
his-html: default
coverimage: foto.jpg
coverphoto: face.jpg
publicationtype: dissertation
sammanfattning: Abstract in Swedish
shortabstract: Summary on the back of the thesis
fullarticles: |
\fullarticle[scale=.7,trim={0mm 5mm 0mm 5mm},pages=-][\href{}{\ccbyncnd}]{fischer2017doctoraldissertationmanual}{manual.pdf}
\fullarticle[scale=.7,trim={0mm 5mm 0mm 5mm},pages=1][\copyright{} 2018 University of Skövde. Reprinted, with permission, from]{fischer2017doctoraldissertationmanual}{manual.pdf}
\fullarticle[scale=.7,trim={0mm 5mm 0mm 5mm},pages=1][Reprinted from][with permission from University of Skövde.]{fischer2017doctoraldissertationmanual}{manual.pdf}
acronyms: |
\newacronym{moo}{MOO}{Multi-Objective Optimization}
\newacronym{sbo}{SBO}{Simulation-Based Optimization}
\newacronym{ai}{AI}{Artificial Intelligence}
\newacronym{doe}{DOE}{Design of Experiments}
ownpublications: |
\authorspublication[Design, manuscript preparation, review]{fischer2017doctoraldissertationmanual}