Automate the process of making money online.
Pumpfun bundler with 20 wallets that creates pool in pumpfun and bundle buy with 20 wallets using jito bundle
This Node.js application connects to the WebSocket server to listen for `tradeCreated` and `newCoinCreated` events. The application logs new coin creation events and provides a structure f…
A simple script to monitor pump fun newly minted tokens and parse transactions.
Free to use telegram comment bot
Listen to pumpfun transactions using javascript in a fast way
Go types, funcs, and utilities for working with cards, decks, and evaluating poker hands (Holdem, Omaha, Stud, more)
Fetches the program IDL for a Solana program using Anchor. Example includes the program IDL
Pump.Fun Bundler | PumpFun Bundler where you can launch and snipe with up to 21 wallets on the same block
PumpFun CommentBot | Auto comment on pumpfun tokens
All-in-one PumpFun Bundler suite featuring PumpFun Bundler (20+ wallets), MEV bot protection, high-frequency trading bot, Solana token creator, jito bundle, multi wallet management, live price trac…
An open-source comment bot for Pump.Fun. Thread mode or Shill mode available.
An open-source bundler for Pump.Fun. Allows you to create a token and bundle it with 25 buys.
A high-performance library for develop Solana Trading Bots: CLI, gRPC bots, and low-latency integrations with Jito, bloXroute, Jupiter, and DEXes
Solana GRPC sniper PoC by Solana Vibe Station
buy/sell functions for Solana SPL tokens created on
A fork of Solana Program Library Token Swap that implements a linear token bonding curve type
Facilitates the execution and simulation of buy and sell transactions for on the Solana blockchain.
Launching tokens programatically