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The Project Language Compiler


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The Project Language Compiler (or PLC, as we shall refer to it from here on in) is a basic "Project Language" compiler designed to meet the requirements for CPSC4600 at the University of Lethbridge.

The current version of the compiler is written with out the aid of scanner or parser generating tools; however, this may change in future versions, as the project develops.

Scanning Phase (now outdated)

The current version of the compiler does not do much, other than scan an input stream, and output tokens as it seems them. The output takes the following form:

<filename.p>:<line#>[<column#>]: <TOKEN ID>: <token value

For instance, the following code:

   const num = 10;
   integer x, y;
   proc max
   $ this is a comment!
      if x > y -> write x. [] ~(x > y) -> write y.


plc:2[0]: BEGIN: begin
plc:3[3]: CONST: const
plc:3[2]: IDENTIFIER: num
plc:3[9]: EQUAL: =
plc:3[10]: INTEGER: 10
plc:3[9]: SEMICOLON: ;
plc:4[3]: INTEGER: integer
plc:4[2]: IDENTIFIER: x
plc:4[8]: COMMA: ,
plc:4[5]: IDENTIFIER: y
plc:4[7]: SEMICOLON: ;
plc:5[3]: PROC: proc
plc:5[1]: IDENTIFIER: max

as it's output. Yup, that's about as special as it gets for now.

Parsing Phase (outdated)

The compiler now includes a parser module. This module uses the previously created scanner module to syntactically analyze the input. In this module we attempt to validate the syntactic structure of the code, and to output location information when a violation of the language is encountered.

Like the scanner phase, we have some phase specific output. Unlike the previous phase, the project can be configured to suppress this debug output. Disabled by default, the debug information can be enabled by suppling --enable-debug=true as a parameter to the configure script. What this option does is allow the code to spit out parse tree information. So, while there is no actual parse tree maintained in the application itself, it can be observed during runtime as the parser descends into the parse tree.

Type Checking Phase (outdated)

After a great deal of sweat, tears and lost hair the compiler now has type checking. There were a number of changes that took place. First, the scanner was simplified and all references to the symbol table were removed from it. This responsibility was moved in to the parser to increase its flexibility. Additional error handling was added to handle type errors, as well as the new semantic errors, such as duplicate symbol declarations within the same scope.

First, lets look at some type definitions:

 1  begin
 2  integer x;
 3  integer array q[10];
 4  integer y, z;
 5  integer array r[ 10 ];
 6  integer u, v, w;
 7  integer w;
 8  Boolean b;
 9  const c = 10;   $ ok!
10  const d = true; $ ok!
11  const e = d;    $ ok!
12  const f = v;    $ v is non-constant
13  const g = f;    $ ok! - but only silently ok
14  const h = g;    $ ok!
15  const i = ggg;  $ ggg not defined
16  const j = j;    $ this *should* be an error
17  const x = 10;   $ already an integer
18  end.

will produce the following lovely output:

plc 0.3 - PL language compiler [debug build] ([email protected])
vartest2.p:11: error: non-constant `v' used in a constant expression
vartest2.p:14: error: undefined symbol `ggg'
vartest2.p:14: error: expected `identifier' before `ggg' token
vartest2.p:15: error: undefined symbol `j'
vartest2.p:15: error: expected `identifier' before `j' token
vartest2.p:16: error: duplicate symbol `x'

Now for procedure definitions:

 2  begin
 4     integer i;
 5     Boolean b;
 6     const c = 10;
 8     proc f begin
 9        proc g begin
10           write 7;
11        end;
12        call b;
13        call g;
14        write 6;
15     end;
17     proc h begin
18        write 9;
19        call f;
20     end;
22     proc l begin
23        write 10;
24        call i;   $ error! not a proc
25     end;
27     call c;
28     call h;
29     call g; $ error! not in the correct scope
30     write 5;
32  end.

will produce the following output:

plc 0.3 - PL language compiler [debug build] ([email protected])
proctest3.p:24: error: `i' is not a procedure
proctest3.p:27: error: `c' is not a procedure
proctest3.p:29: error: undefined symbol `g'
proctest3.p:29: error: expected `identifier' before `g' token

We also catch mismatched assignment statement. By this we mean that if one side of the assignment statement contains more items than the other, then the user will be alerted to this fact.

 2  begin
 3     integer x, y, z;
 4     Boolean b, c, d;
 5     x, y := 1, 2, 3; $ error! rhs is heavy
 6     x, y, z := 1, 2; $ error! lhs is heavy
 7     b, c, d := true, false, 1; $ error! type error
 8     write x;
 9  end.

will produce the following output:

plc 0.3 - PL language compiler [debug build] ([email protected])
unbalanced.p:5: error: unbalanced assignment statement; rhs is heavy
unbalanced.p:6: error: unbalanced assignment statement; lhs is heavy
unbalanced.p:7: error: type mismatch

See the design section for further information.

How to build the PLC

To build the project, simply run:

# ./configure
# make -j

This will configure and build PLC. Optionally, one can add the --enable-debug=true flag to the ./configure line: this will enable trace information about the parsing state. The -j flag for make compiles multiple files in parallel (helpful if you have distcc, a dual-core or a dual-processor machine). Like many GNU projects, you can installthe compiler locally, using the following:

# make install

Alternatively, you can run it with no installation:

# cd src
# ./plc ../tests/everything.p

The above will run the PLC using everything.p as the input source file. Also in the tests directory are other test files. One is called unknown.p, which has a syntax error in it. This file demonstrates the error handling built in to the PLC.

Code Generation Phase

Very little has changed in this phase with regards to the overall design. The main changes have taken place in the parser itself and take the form of minor code modifications. The modifications simply output assembler code. This assembler code is then consumed by the assembler that we were given and is in turn converted in to machine code which is the final product of our compiler.

The biggest hurdle of this phase was integrating other peoples code into my own. There is always the temptation to re-write or re-factor other peoples work to fit your own style or desired functionality. However, I stopped myself, and worked with what we were given. The result is a fairly nice system anyway. I used a stringstream as an intermediary stream, so the assembler my compiler generates is output into an in/out stringstream, which is then used as an input stream for the assembler. The eliminated the need to clean up any temporary files, etc. I also made the output file optional, so the machine code can be spit out on stdout, or redirected to a file, if a filename is supplied. To see the options, simply run the program with no options.


The design of the PLC is derived from many sources. The initial skeleton code was based on a previous project for Bioinformatics. This provided the code for file-handling and command-line processing, as well as some error handling methods. However, by the end of this project, most of this initial code will have been dispensed with. It was only used to speed up the process of codeing.

Scanner Phase

The error handling code, for instance, does not scale well, and will be replaced with a new system. This new system will use C++ exceptions and will allow a great deal of the error handling to be moved out of the logic of the compiler. This will simplify any future changes in the scanner as well as the compiler itself. Also, it should improve readability, by removing all the current checks.

The second phase of the project, once we start adding the parser, will bring a new top level control systems as well. Currently, the symbol table, as well as the scanner itself, is "owned" by the main function. In the future, there will be a top level compiler object, which will take ownership of the symbol table, the scanner, as well as the parser. This will be useful, as well, once the code generation phase is upon us; then, it will also own a code generation object.

Parser Phase

In this phase we have enhanced and, in some cases, simplified the error handling. This means that not only is the previous error information emitted, but information to help determine the type of error is also emitted. Thus, for example, when we expect to see a semicolon (';') but instead receive a comma (',') in the input, we can tell the user that a comma was seen in place of a semicolon, on line n. This will help the user in correcting their code, versus only being told there is some syntax error on line n.

Type and Scope Checking Phase

The biggest issue with this phase was making the decisions between design and efficiency. Because of previous design decisions, some of the addition that were required would either require additional searches (in the symbol table), or the addition of "spaghetti" code to remember information temporarily. I chose the former because the actual efficiency can be improved by changing the data structure. Currently I use a red-black tree for the symbol table; however, a hash table would allow constant time access, making the above searching problem a non-issue. Therefore, for the benefit of myself, and anyone who decides to read this code, I've opted for the simpler re-search approach. In the future I may change the data structure to get rid of the O(log n) search time.



Scanner Phase:

  • scanner actual scanning mechanisms
  • scanner_error used to represent errors specific to scanning ** unknown_symbol an error that can be encountered while scanning; namely, when we encounter a symbol we do not recognize
  • symboltbl symbol table used by the compiler
  • token holds all the information about a single token

Parser Phase:

  • parser new parser module to help with syntactic analysis
  • setops set operation helpers: most of this is syntactic sugar, meaning that it supplies, for instance, a a plus ('+') operator to return a set union and a set of functions to make sets in-place from a set of parameters (not necessarily unique)
  • scanner actual scanning mechanisms
  • symboltbl symbol table used by the compiler
  • token holds all the information about a single token


Scanner Phase:

  • src/error.{cc,h} these files contain all the error handling and recovery code.
  • src/misc.{cc,h} code that does not fit nicely in to any other place is kept here
  • src/plc.{cc,h} these contain the compiler's main entry point, as well as any globaly accessible structures
  • src/scanner.{cc,h} in here is all the code for scanning an input stream and converting character streams in to token streams
  • src/symboltbl.{cc,h} an implementation of a symbol table
  • src/token.{cc,h} contains all the code related to tokens, all their unique IDs, as well as string representations of the tokens themselves.

Parser Phase:

  • src/error.{cc,h} these files contain all the error handling and recovery code.
  • src/misc.h code that does not fit nicely in to any other place is kept here
  • src/parser.{cc,h} these files contain the parser module
  • src/plc.{cc,h} these contain the compiler's main entry point, as well as any globaly accessible structures
  • src/scanner.{cc,h} in here is all the code for scanning an input stream and converting character streams in to token streams
  • src/setops.{cc,h} set operations and enhancement
  • src/symboltbl.{cc,h} an implementation of a symbol table
  • src/token.{cc,h} contains all the code related to tokens, all their unique IDs, as well as string representations of the tokens themselves.


The Project Language Compiler



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