Flask app served by gunicorn that provides raspberry system information as json.
After installation this runs as a service and is reachable at Port 8000.
Tested with Stretch and Buster Raspberry OS.
URL: http://raspberry:8000/
"api_Version": "bc39db2",
"distribution": "debian",
"distribution_verson": "9.13",
"hostname": "raspberrypi",
"mac_address": "b8:27:eb:d9:9f:f2"
If 1-wire ds1820 sensors are present they will be listed
"api_Version": "234c33c",
"distribution": "debian",
"distribution_verson": "9.13",
"hostname": "RPIserverschrank",
"mac_address": "b8:27:eb:d9:9f:f2",
"one_wire": {
"ds1820": [
URL: http://raspberry:8000/one-wire/ds1820/sensor
"temp_c": 26.25,
"temp_f": 79.25
URL: http://raspberry:8000/cpu
"freq": 600,
"load": 1.1,
"load_avg": [
"temp": 59
URL: http://raspberry:8000/memory
"free": 614.8,
"free_perc": 33.6,
"total": 926.1
URL: http://raspberry:8000/disk
"free": 11.4,
"free%": 18.4,
"total": 14.6
URL: http://raspberry:8000/send433mhz/housecode/devicecode/state
"stderr": "b''",
"stdout": "b'using pin 0\\nsending systemCode[00011] unitCode[2] command[0]\\n'"
http://raspberry:8000/send433mhz/00011/2/0 (off)
http://raspberry:8000/send433mhz/00011/2/1 (on)
For this to work a-pi-api ships with a compiled version of "raspberry-remote" (https://github.com/xkonni/raspberry-remote)
git clone https://github.com/vgarcia007/a-pi-api.git
cd a-pi-api
sudo /bin/bash update.sh
This way, the api and its dependencies are installed.
In addition, a system service is created in "/etc/systemd/system/". So that after a restart of the Raspberry the server starts again.
After successful execution, the http server is available on port 8000.
systemctl start a_pi_api
systemctl status a_pi_api
systemctl stop a_pi_api
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/a_pi_api.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
apt-get install python3 python3-venv
python3 -m venv app
cd app
source ./bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
/bin/bash dev-server.sh
The test http server is available on port 5000.
- Add routes for more sensor types attached to GPIO
- Add Moduls for other things like nas and fritzbox