Note: this app is dependent on PART 1 for API, run the express project.
- npm install
- npm run start
This app will run on port 4200 This app will work with the assignments PART 1 using it for data API.(which runs on port 3000)
Assumption: Quantity range per product 1-5
Generated App using
$ ng new my-order --prefix=my --skip-git=true --skip-install=true --style=scss --routing=true --strict
Generated HomeModule & OrderModule using
$ ng g module home --module=app --route=home --routing=true --routing-scope=Child
$ ng g module order --module=app --route=order --routing=true --routing-scope=Child
Libraries used:
"@ng-select/ng-select": "^8.1.1"
"bootstrap": "^5.2.0-beta1"
"bootstrap-icons": "^1.8.3"