Ohai! This repo is for my writeups on the challenges for the excellent GuidepointCTF during Feb 16 - Feb 22.
This was the first CTF in which I participated live (I've previously read and worked on challenges on other CTFs after they were over) and it was such a pleasant experiencie, I learned a lot, got confident in my skills and also discovered I don't know A LOT! But there's always room for improvement
I will try to go through my hole thought process, where I got stuck, what worked, what not, and all the little details I can remember! I didn't try all the challenges since my work schedule got in the way, but overall I thinnk
For this CTF I used a ParrotOS Virtual Machine on Vmware Fusion on a late 2015 Mac.
There was no specific sequence on the challenges, I was bunny hopping between them since I got stuck a lot of times and needed to work on something else to clear my mind or something. But for every challenge I'll try to detail whenever I dropped it and the came back to it, what changed, what did I read and all that. :D
Hope this helps someone to improve
P.S. A big danke/thanks for Liveoverflow and John Hammond for being major inspirations for me to getting into security and CTFs!