Laravel 4 starter project. Hit the ground running with the most useful packages installed and integrated.
###cborgia/radiate HTML5 Boiler Plate, Twitter Bootstrap, Font Awesome, SASS, and a quick little login/register script to get you started.
###laravella/ravel CMS built with Angular.js but using the Twitter Bootstrap style. Forked from raftalks\ravel.
- Download the laravella project (Git clone or zip extract)
- Run : composer update (or : php composer.phar update)
- You should have a database server running and a target database created.
- edit /app/config/database.php and enter your database details.
- Run : php artisan ravel:install
- You can start a development server with : php artisan serve --port 80
- Browse to http://localhost for the frontent or http://localhost/admin for cms console.