This repo contains a prototype for privacy preserving attribution reporting in a secure enclave.
For more information check the paper: TODO
For MP-SPDZ installation please check the main project. This project is directly forked from the MP-SPDZ project and installation is the same.
Our scripts are Programs/Source/ipae2e_original.mpc and Programs/Source/ipae2e_modified.mpc. These file are directly modified from IPA research prototype
The script is designed to run on 3 different VM (for execution on 1VM check file) You must run the following command on 3 different VM.
Some scripts can be used to run multiple tests. For these scipts to work, you need to follow these steps:
- Clone input repo
git clone
- Unzip input the correct file. Example is given for an input size of 2**12:
cd input
- Update Networking/coordination file with your confifuration. Check MP-SPDZ documentation to get support.
- Modify according to your configuration.
- Setup SSL for the parties
Scripts/ 3
These creates keys stored in Player Data for execution on 3 VM you need to split the keys accordingly. (Party 0 has access to private key 0 and public key 0, 1 and 2)
- Run tests:
cd ..
chmod +x
chmod +x
./ 12
Parameter of is input size in power of two.
If you want to test another input size, you need to update the value in ipae2e_original.mpc You can test the modified version by replacing ipae2e_original.mpc with ipae2e_modified.mpc in and Execution times are stored in file times.txt in seconds (s).