An animation change foreground color lyric color for karaoke apps.
- Import folder VTXKaraokeView classes into your project and import header:
# import "VTXKaraokeLyricView.h"
It is a subclass from UILabel, so you can use all UILabel properties such as: Font, textColor, ....
VTXKaraokeLyricView *basicLyric = [[VTXKaraokeLyricView alloc] init];
[basicLyric setText:@"This is the content for lyric view"];
basicLyric.fillTextColor = [UIColor redColor];
basicLyric.duration = 5.0f;
This config will change the content of your lyric label and run key frame animation (CAKeyframeAnimation)
basicLyric.lyricSegment = @{
// Spend a half of duration for this string
@"0.5": @"Karaoke ",
// 20% of duration for this string
@"0.7": @"lyric label ",
// 30% of duration for the rest
@"1.0": @"with key times"
Enjoy merge requests!
Just use it for FREE ! :)