Word Vectors Visualization in Tree Form
Authors: Phi Van Thuy and Taishi Ikeda.
Supervisor: Assistant Professor Kevin Duh.
- Two types of distances: Cosine distance and Euclidean distance.
- Totally 8 different models for the English and the Japanese data.
- Run simple HTTP server: "python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888".
![fig1] (demo_en.png)
![fig2] (demo_ja.png)
Main files and folders:
- backend
- HiraganaTimes_English
implementation of the continuous bag-of-words and skip-gram architectures for computing vector representations of words in English; skip-gram (slower, better for infrequent words) vs CBOW (fast). - HiraganaTimes_Japanese
implementation of the continuous bag-of-words and skip-gram architectures for computing vector representations of words in Japanese; skip-gram (slower, better for infrequent words) vs CBOW (fast). - Convert_to_JSON
scripts for converting word2vec models to JSON databases.
- HiraganaTimes_English
- frontend
- data
contain all data for searching word and vizualize them: "data_cosine.json" and "data_euclidean.json" are the databases. The flare-format data is created from the database when running the web page. - js
contain D3.js library (visualization javascript library). - word2vec_tree_final.html
the main web page.
- data
- backend
Visualize your own data
- To convert the word2vec models to the JSON files, the Gensim library (https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/install.html) is required. Quick install Gensim: "easy_install -U gensim" or, alternatively: "pip install --upgrade gensim".
- For Cosine distance metric: use script "create_database_cosine.py".
- For Euclidean distance metric: use script "create_database_euclidean.py", and copy the file "word2vec.py" to Gensim library's location, e.g., "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/gensim-0.10.3-py2.7-macosx-10.10-intel.egg/gensim/models". In this new implementation, the new method most_similar_euclidean() is included to calculate the distance between pairs of words/phrases by Euclidean metric.
- Special characters should be excluded from JSON files to generate the correct JSON format. More details are in "Remove_Special_Characters.txt" file.