This is an instance of the Open211 platform.
install couchdb 1.1 or above, node.js and npm
make sure "secure_rewrites" is set to false and "allow_jsonp" is set to true in your couch config
then replicate this couch to your couch:
npm install -g couchapp
then do:
couchapp push app.js yourcouch/earlyalameda
then visit yourcouch/earlyalameda/_design/app/_rewrite
for full text search we use elasticsearch. you have to run it somewhere and use the couchdb "river" plugin to sync elasticsearch with couchdb
to set up the full text search proxy we utilize couchdb 1.1's built in proxy.
add the following tuple to httpd_global_handlers in the couch config:
_search: {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"YOUR_ELASTICSEARCH_URL_HERE">>}
an example elasticsearch url is (default port for ES is 9200)