Price-Performance-Scraper Public
Full-stack web application that allows the user to calculate the Price-Performance Scores of selected GPU and CPU models by scraping their online prices in real time and comparing them to up-to-dat…
pathfinding-race Public
A browser game where pathfinding algorithms race against each other!
portfolio Public
My Developer Portfolio Website made using React, TypeScript, Next.js and TailwindCSS!
Script to generate base64-encoded image strings to be used as placeholder images on websites for multiple images at once.
screenshot-OCR Public
Desktop application that lets the user extract text from images by just marking a section of the screen, instead of having to load an image file. Serves as a front-end for the Tesseract OCR Engine.
Web-hosted Python application that procedurally generates images with the WFC Algorithm based on pixel tiles painted by the user
open-file-groups Public
Desktop application that automates the opening of multiple programs, files or folders. User can save groups of items to be opened simultaneously.
open-links-from-txt-file Public
Desktop application that automates the opening of multiple links. User can load URLs from a text file, filter and open them in any installed browser.