Greetings fellow developers!
This amazing Web Application allows users to check the weather forecast for a specific location. The app is built using React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and it utilizes modern web development technologies such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. I used openweathermap api for weather forcast.
Users can enter a location in the search bar and the app displays the current weather conditions. The app can also display additional information like wind speed and humidity.
- GitHub: WeatherSense
- Live Site: Weather App
Package Manager is NPM
Used Library is React
Used Tool Vite
Deployed On Vercel
npm install
npm run dev
For react animated component
npm i react-animated-weather
- React Concepts : Components, props, state managment, conditional rendering and event handling.
- API integration: Learn how to fetch data from an external API and use it to populate your app.
- Project management: Learn how to plan, organize, and manage a project from start to finish.
When I improve this repository,
- I'm going to add one more component. In that component i will add some logic related to current date, user's location name and the forecast for the next few days.
- I want to improve this App with additional features, like asking users to allow the app to use their device's location for weather forcast.
- GitHub: Vikas Parmar
- LinkedIn: Vikas Parmar