Fit-Box Public
a web-app developed using MERN stack (MongoDB,Express.js,React.js,Node.js) , which can perform create, update, read, delete operation. This repository is created for learning purposes.
groot_web_app Public
Create a web application with an option to upload a CSV file of 1 lakh or more records, where the application should read the records, process it, and push to the database table.
UpdatedDec 17, 2020 -
quicky-chat-app Public
Forked from srilekhavontivillu/quicky-chat-appA real time web chat application developed using Node.js , React.js and Socket.io web socket library , which is used to chat among two or more users in a room
JavaScript UpdatedJun 6, 2020 -
ShushIt Public
Forked from fazeVaib/ShushItAndroid app that tracks your location and puts phone on silent mode when you arrive nearby the described location
Java UpdatedOct 30, 2019 -
Data-Structures-and-Algorithms Public
Forked from AjaySharvesh3/Data-Structures-and-AlgorithmsData Structures and Algorithms, you can start contributing any of the algorithms and choose any of the language you know. This repository created for HacktoberFest 2018.
Java UpdatedOct 13, 2019 -
hacktoberfest-helloworld Public
Forked from radensaleh/hacktoberfest-helloworldSubmit a PR solving Hello, World! in a new language for Hacktoberfest 2019
Assembly UpdatedOct 8, 2019 -
calculator Public
Forked from microsoft/calculatorWindows Calculator: A simple yet powerful calculator that ships with Windows
C++ MIT License UpdatedMar 8, 2019 -
Algo_Ds_Notes Public
Forked from jainaman224/Algo_Ds_NotesIt is a repository that is a collection of algorithms and data structures with implementation in various languages.
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 18, 2019 -
HackerRank-Test-Case-Generator Public
Forked from aashutoshrathi/Testcase-GeneratorOne Click Test cases generator.
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 28, 2018 -
SilentMe Public
Forked from shahshail/SilentMeThis is an Android based application, aimed at offering comfort to those who wish to keep their mobile phones on silent mode in specific geographical locations. It has an appealing user interface w…
Java UpdatedSep 10, 2018