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ERP Alerts

App to get internship and placement push notifications from IIT KGP ERP

Chrome Extension


This tool is open source, but the way you use it can get you into trouble. Some things you cannot do are:

  • Use this tool to send CDC notifications to any non-KGPian.
  • Use this tool on a wide scale or publicise its running instance without consent from the author

Please use this tool responsibly and within ethical and legal bounds. We do not promote violating company policies or laws. The extent of the punishment may very from disciplinary action by the institute to blacklisting from CDC process.


  1. Connect to firebase - make sure you download the google-services.json file in proper location.

  2. Make sure to replace all variables <variable-name>

Deployment Notes

1. Create keystore file to sign the app

  • Validity: in days
  • Alias: upload
keytool -genkey -alias $alias -keystore <upload-keystore.jks> -storepass <keystore-pass> -keypass <key-pass> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 9855

Create the upload_certificate.pem file and upload it to play store console

keytool -export -rfc -alias <alias> -file upload_certificate.pem -keystore <upload-keystore.jks> -storepass <keystore-pass>

Save file in android/app directory

2. Update keystore properties

Update the keystore properties in android/ file


3. Build the flutter app bundle

Make sure to update the version and build number in pubspec.yaml file

flutter build appbundle --release

output file: build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab

4. Upload the app bundle to play store console

5. Create a new release in play store console

Publish to PlayStore Pipeline

This document describes the GitHub Actions workflow for publishing an Android application to the Google Play Store.

Workflow Overview

The workflow is triggered on a push to the master branch. It consists of two jobs: build and publish.

Build Job

The build job performs the following steps:

  1. Checks out the repository.
  2. Downloads the Android keystore file from a base64-encoded secret and places it in the workspace.
  3. Creates a file with the necessary information for signing the application.
  4. Sets up Flutter with the specified version.
  5. Retrieves the project dependencies with flutter pub get.
  6. Creates a config.dart file using a script and secret environment variables.
  7. Builds the application bundle with flutter build appbundle --release.
  8. Uploads the built application bundle as an artifact.
  9. Sends a Slack notification if the build fails.

Publish Job

The publish job performs the following steps:

  1. Decodes a base64-encoded service account JSON file and saves it to the workspace.
  2. Downloads the built application bundle artifact.
  3. Deploys the application bundle to the Google Play Store's internal track using the 1r0adkll/upload-google-play action.
  4. Sends a Slack notification if the deployment fails or succeeds.


The workflow requires the following secrets:

  • KEYSTORE_BASE64: The base64-encoded Android keystore file.
  • KEYSTORE_ALIAS: The alias of the keystore.
  • KEYSTORE_PASSWORD: The password for the keystore.
  • KEYSTORE_KEY_PASSWORD: The password for the key.
  • RAZORPAY_API_KEY, MIXPANEL_KEY, GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: Keys for creating the config.dart file.
  • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON: The base64-encoded service account JSON file for Google Play Store deployment.
  • SLACK_NOTIFICATIONS_BOT_TOKEN: The token for the Slack bot that sends notifications.


The workflow sends notifications to the deploy Slack channel. Notifications are sent when the build fails, when the deployment to the Play Store fails, and when the deployment to the Play Store succeeds.