Tooling for building React Native apps with Clojurescript
One may currently choose from two build tools when developing React Native with Clojurescript:
As of June 2016, both are actively developed. In these repo the aim is to collect tools that may be useful for both build systems. I use re-natal
at the moment so please submit PR's for boot-react-native
- Clone this repo
- Add the dir of the cloned repo to your PATH, how-to
Note: I am not sure in what format this library should ideally be delivered, an npm module that can be installed globally might be the most convenient way assuming that everyone working with RN has npm and node installed. But for now I just wrote a bash script. Create an issue if you have any suggestions :)
Requires ios-deploy
Start with building the project once from XCode to your device (to add team etc.) and use this from then on.
If terminal-notifer is installed, it will fire a notification if the build is successful.
Usage: build-ios-offline [-t re-natal] [-a <string>]
-t Type of tool: re-natal
-a The name of your app (<APPNAME>.xcodeproj)
-s XCode build scheme, default scheme is app name (optional)
This prints errors or warnings to the terminal with an added timestamp, when warnings or erros occur it will optionally also make a sound and if terminal-notifer is installed, it will fire a notification.
Usage: watch-log [-s <bool>] [-f <string>]
-s Make a sound each time the build fails or generates a warning. default: true
-f File path to cljs log-file. default: figwheel_server.log
- Deploy app with code-push
- Build Android app for offline usage