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Problem Statement - The goal of this mini project is to write a simple micro web service to mimic a “Bank Account”. Through this web service, one can query about the balance, deposit money, and withdraw money. Just like any Bank, there are restrictions on how many transactions/amounts it can handle. The details are described below. ● Write a simple “Bank Account” web service using REST API design principles. You can use either the Scala/Play or Java/Spring/Tomcat framework. ○ Program should have 3 REST API endpoints: One to get the current balance, one to make a deposit, and one to make a withdrawal ○ No requirement for authentication - assume the web service is for one account only and is open to the world ○ No requirement for the backend store - you can store it in a file or database (your decision) ■ Bonus points for a solution that won’t easily run out of memory after long periods of up-time ○ Balance endpoint - this will return the outstanding balance ○ Deposit endpoint - credits the account with the specified amount ■ Max deposit for the day = $150K ■ Max deposit per transaction = $40K ■ Max deposit frequency = 4 transactions/day ○ Withdrawal endpoint - deducts the account with the specified amount ■ Max withdrawal for the day = $50K ■ Max withdrawal per transaction = $20K ■ Max withdrawal frequency = 3 transactions/day ■ Cannot withdraw when balance is less than withdrawal amount ● The service should handle all the error cases and return the appropriate error HTTP status code and error message (Eg. If an attempt is to withdraw greater than $20k in a single transaction, the error message should say “Exceeded Maximum Withdrawal Per Transaction”). ● Write tests against your web service. ( Bonus: implement a code coverage tool and show code coverage numbers for your tests) ○ Ideally tests should be held to the same standard as main code ● Make sure your code is readable and can be run. ● Check in your code to bitbucket and write instructions on readme on how to run.

Tech Stack - python2.7 - (you can use python 3 also , it will need small change in make file . Example - pip to pip3 , python to python3) Django - rest framework in python SQLite - light weight sql database.

Basic Requirements - Python - Make sure you have python2.7 or newer version installed in your machine. If not then visit this link - PIP - Check if pip is installed in your machine or not . If Yes then cheers and got to Directory Structure , else go to below link.

Directory structure

├── bankapp
│   └── migrations
├── bankproj
├── buildapp
└── testfiles

Build Process Initial Step - Go to root directory

1 - Change directory to buildapp folder
		cd buildapp

2 - Run "make" file for installing dependencies , creating db and settingup databases structure with test content .You can check the requirements in requirements.txt file inside buildapp folder . 
		Command - 
			./make --setupdb
				If you are not passing '--setupdb' param in above command , it will not crete db and no basic dataset will get inserted into db and you will see Server Error (500) in API response as no db table exists.
				NOTE - Incase you want to build the project again without changing anything in DB  , don't use '--setupdb' param (DON'T).

3 - Run "run" file to start Django server on https://localhost:8000/ . If you want to change port number or host , open run file with any editor of you choice and update host and port number on line 7 .Once you are done save the file and run the below command.
		Command - ./run

4 - Once server starts successfully , you can start using endpoints discussed in API section below.

5 - For flushing database and data from existing DB use the below command.
		Command - ./data_build --setupdb

6 - For changing schema of any table or creating new table in database use the below command.
		Command - ./data_build --syncdb

TestCases Initial Step - Go to root directory

1 - Change directory to buildapp folder
		cd buildapp
2 - Run "testapp" file for running testcases for all endpoints with different scenarios in all 3 testcases.Test files are there in testfiles directory.
		Command - ./testapp

API endpoints

There are 4 API endpoints 1 - bankapp/v1/account/ - POST This API is for creating test content for an account to run different transaction scenarios on that account . No param is needed for this api. Warning - Don't use this API . Its main use is for test cases else it will re initialize account details.

2 - bankapp/v1/account/ - GET
	This API is for getting account details of test account .
	Sample Success Response - {
							"message": "Account details.",
							"data": {
								"account_balance": 5.0,
								"currency": "$"
3 - bankapp/v1/account/deposit POST
	This API is for depositing amount in that test account . It has several response based on validations and internal rule checks.
	Param - {"amount": "19.00"}
	Sucess Response - {
					"message": "Amount of $ 19.0 Successfully Deposited."
4 - bankapp/v1/account/withdrawl POST
	This API is for withdrawing amount in that test account . It has several response based on validations and internal rule checks.
	Param - {"amount": "10.00"}
	Sucess Response - {
					"message": "Amount of $ 10.0 Successfully Withdrawn."

Extras - To directly access database Run python dbshell inside root directory


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