Name day API library for
This library makes it easy to send requests towards API. API provides name days for various countries.
The recommended way to install package is through Composer.
# Install Composer
curl -sS | php
Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of package:
composer require xnekv03/nameday-api
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
You can then later update package using composer:
composer update
Constantly adding new Country codes, please check for updated list.
When using country codes in the library you can use either country names or country codes.
- Country names
- United States
- Czech Republic
- Slovakia
- Poland
- France
- Hungary
- Croatia
- Sweden
- Austria
- Italy
- Germany
- Spain
- Country codes
- us
- cz
- sk
- pl
- fr
- hu
- hr
- se
- at
- it
- de
- es
$nameday = new Nameday();
$nameday = new Nameday('America/Vancouver'); # time zone specification, other then system default (see below)
echo $nameday->today(); # {"data":{"day":27,"month":8,"name_us":"Caesar, Cesar ... }}
echo $nameday->tomorrow(); # {"data":{"day":28,"month":8,"name_us":"Agustin, August, Augusta ... }}
echo $nameday->yesterday(); # {"data":{"day":26,"month":8,"name_us":"Percival, Percy ... }}
echo $nameday->today('sk'); # {"data":{"day":27,"month":8,"name_sk":"Silvia"}}
echo $nameday->today('Slovakia'); # {"data":{"day":27,"month":8,"name_sk":"Silvia"}}
echo $nameday->tomorrow('at'); # {"data":{"day":28,"month":8,"name_at":"Adelinde, Aline, Augustin"}}
echo $nameday->tomorrow('Austria'); # {"data":{"day":28,"month":8,"name_at":"Adelinde, Aline, Augustin"}}
echo $nameday->yesterday('de'); # {"data":{"day":26,"month":8,"name_de":"Margarita, Miriam, Patricia, Teresa"}}
echo $nameday->yesterday('Germany'); # {"data":{"day":26,"month":8,"name_de":"Margarita, Miriam, Patricia, Teresa"}}
specificDay(int $day, int $month, string $countryCode)
echo $nameday->specificDay(21,10); # {"data":{"day":21,"month":10,"name_us":"Celina, Celine, Nobel" ... }}
simply add optional third string parameter $countryCode
, which must be one of the supported country codes
echo $nameday->specificDay(29,3,'es'); # {"data":{"day":29,"month":3,"name_es":"Jonas, Segundo"}}
echo $nameday->specificDay(29,3,'Spain'); # {"data":{"day":29,"month":3,"name_es":"Jonas, Segundo"}}
echo $nameday->specificDay(2,12,'de'); # {"data":{"day":2,"month":12,"name_de":"Bibiana, Jan, Lucius"}}
echo $nameday->specificDay(2,12,'Germany'); # {"data":{"day":2,"month":12,"name_de":"Bibiana, Jan, Lucius"}}
echo $nameday->specificDay(12,1,'pl'); # {"data":{"day":22,"month":1,"name_pl":"Anastazy, Dobromysł, Dorian, Marta, Wincenty"}}
echo $nameday->specificDay(12,1,'Poland'); # {"data":{"day":22,"month":1,"name_pl":"Anastazy, Dobromysł, Dorian, Marta, Wincenty"}}
echo $nameday->specificDay(2,2,'hr'); # {"data":{"day":2,"month":2,"name_hr":"Marijan"}}
echo $nameday->specificDay(2,2,'Croatia'); # {"data":{"day":2,"month":2,"name_hr":"Marijan"}}
Will return all days in given calendar which contains the name.
searchByName(string $day, string $countryCode)
Both parameters are required. Parameter $countryCode
must be one of the supported country codes
echo $nameday->searchByName('Jan','cz'); # {"calendar":"cz","results":[{"day":24,"month":5,"name":"Jana"},{"day":24,"month":6,"name":"Jan"} ... }}
echo $nameday->searchByName('Jan','Czech Republic'); # {"calendar":"cz","results":[{"day":24,"month":5,"name":"Jana"},{"day":24,"month":6,"name":"Jan"} ... }}
Time zone is set by local php.ini
settings. Therefore $nameday->today()
will return result according to that.
If you need to specify different time zone you can do so by adding optional parameter $timeZone
to the constructor.
must be PHP time zones string or integer offset to GMT.
$nameday = new Nameday('Pacific/Honolulu');
echo $nameday->today(); # will return today name days according to Pacific/Honolulu time zone
$nameday = new Nameday('+13:30');
echo $nameday->tomorrow(); # will return today name days according to given UTC offset
Make sure you have proper certificates stored on your local machine as Name day API uses HTTPS only.
If you run into problems with server certificate try downloading the The Mozilla CA certificate store, save it on your system and configure php.ini
; A default value for the CURLOPT_CAINFO option. This is required to be an
; absolute path.
curl.cainfo ="C:\...\cacert.pem"