This application is part of the Joint metadata and information management programme.
This is the implementation of the Public API Service microservice for the YTI CodeList with:
- Spring boot For getting things up and running
- Embedded Jetty to serve
- Jersey 2 for JAX-RS
Do a HTTP GET to public resource:
When the microservice is running, you can get the Swagger REST API documentation from:
- Java 8+
- Maven 3.3+
- Docker
- yti-codelist-config - Default configuration for development use
Add the following Run configurations options:
- Program arguments: --spring.config.location=../yti-codelist-config/application.yml,../yti-codelist-config/yti-codelist-public-api-service.yml
- Workdir:
Add folder for yti project, application writes modified files there:
$ mkdir /data/yti
$ mvn clean package docker:build
$ docker run --rm -p 9601:9601 -p 19601:19601 -v /path/to/yti-codelist-config:/config --name=yti-codelist-public-api-service yti-codelist-public-api-service -a --spring.config.location=/config/application.yml,/config/yti-codelist-public-api-service.yml
.. or in yti-codelist-compose run
$ docker-compose up yti-codelist-public-api-service