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A minimalistic verifiable credential utility application designed to sign VC-JWTs and expose a basic DID document based on Gaia-X standards.


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🛝 Verifiable Credential Playground

⚠️ This project is now part of the Gaia-X Community repository and has been moved to

A minimalistic verifiable credential utility application designed to sign VC-JWTs and expose a basic DID document based on Gaia-X standards.

Getting Started

This project contains two main components:

  • a backend which takes care of DID and signing related work
  • a frontend giving a warm welcome to end-users

Run Locally

Before running anything, please build a basic backend ./backend/.env file by running:

cd backend/
npm run generate-env

It will give you an openssl command to run to generate the required certificate which much then be pasted in the newly created ./backend/.env.

With Docker Compose

To run this project with Docker Compose, you need to run the following command at the root of the project:

docker compose up -d --build

This will build and start two containers, one for the frontend and one for the backend.
You can now use your very one Verifiable Credential Playground at: http://localhost:3000/playground.

When you are finished, you can stop the services with this command:

docker compose down

With Docker Compose (Development)

If you need to run this project for development purposes you can build the services through Docker Compose with the following command:

docker compose -f up -d --build

To stop the services you can use the last command of With Docker Compose.

With NPM

The frontend can be run with:

cd frontend
npm run dev

And the backend can be run with:

cd backend
npm run start:dev

You can now use your very one Verifiable Credential Playground at: http://localhost:3000/playground.


Each main component has environment variables that allow you to customize your playground.


Variable Name Default Value Description
NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_HOST http://localhost:4000 Defines the address of the playground backend to call through the frontend


Variable Name Default Value Description
DOMAIN Domain name on which the playground backend will be hosted, this is used in the DID document too
PRIVATE_KEY Random generated value see Run Locally Private key used to sign the VC-JWTs
PRIVATE_KEY_ALGORITHM ES256 Private key signing algorithm
PUBLIC_KEY Random generated value see Run Locally Public key derived from the signing private key referenced by the PRIVATE_KEY environment variable, this is also used in the DID document
CERTIFICATE Random generated value see Run Locally Certificate used in the x5u attribute of the DID document to give more information about the owner of the DID
JWKS_KEY_NAME X509-JWK2020 ID of the assertionMethod in the DID Document. Also referred in the signed VCs and VPs


Although this project is mainly for demonstration purposes, it can be used in a production environment and be hosted via Kubernetes for example.

The instance at is hosted on a Kubernetes cluster in the form of a deployment with two frontend and backend containers.

The backend container is mapped to the root URL as the /.well-known/did.json address must be linked to the root URL for DID resolving purposes. The frontend container is mapped to so the URL corresponds to the one used for local execution.


If you are using Let's Encrypt certificates we suggest you use the private key, public key and certificate in the backend environment variables. Let's Encrypt certificates are allowed on the Gaia-X development environments.

Also, if you are using cert-manager you can use an init container to derive the public key from the certificate's secret private key to then inject it as a backend environment variable.

Using Helm

To make the deployment task easier, a Helm chart has been provided in the helm/ folder.

We recommend deploying this application via ArgoCD but the vanilla Helm CLI is sufficient to get things running.


Please checkout the helm/values.yaml file to find which variables you can customize for your deployment. The usual variables produced by the helm create command are available but some specific ones exist as described in the table below, modifying those is sufficient to get the application running.

Variable Default Value Description
useLetsEncryptCertificate true If you are using cert-manager and Let's Encrypt, you can set this variable to true, this will take care of setting up the private key, public key and certificate automatically
defaultCredentialExpiration 90 Number of days before the certificate expires
backend.privateKeyAlgorithm RS256 Algorithm of the private key used to sign verifiable credentials
ingress.hosts see helm/values.yaml file Ingress hosts for the application
ingress.tls see helm/values.yaml file TLS configuration for the application ingress


A minimalistic verifiable credential utility application designed to sign VC-JWTs and expose a basic DID document based on Gaia-X standards.







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