code fixes and security-boost for (the awesome) by Tom Braider. Original credits and links kept unmodified.
major change: instead of accessing $_POST(and $GET, $_SERVER, ...) directly-
- using filter input, along with custom filtering, content-validating and sanitizing (even before using any of WordPress' API).
the "plus" is that using filter-input method is "forcing" you to think of the limits each data field may contain, and providing a compatible-code with jenkins' "extreamly-secure-PHP-code-standards" in which forbids direct-accessing input variables and (some) other global variables.
read more at:
=== Count per Day === Contributors: Tom Braider Tags: counter, count, posts, visits, reads, dashboard, widget, shortcode Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.7 Stable tag: 3.5.6 License: GPLv2 Donate link:
Visit Counter, shows reads and visitors per page, visitors today, yesterday, last week, last months and other statistics.
== Description ==
- count reads and visitors
- shows reads per page
- shows visitors today, yesterday, last week, last months and other statistics on dashboard
- shows country of your visitors
- you can show these statistics on frontend per widget or shortcodes too
- Plugin:
- Donate:
"Count per Day" counts 1 visit per IP per day. So any reload of the page do not increment the counter.
= Languages, Translators =
nearly up to date translations:
Bulgarian - joro -
Chinese - Siyuan Tang -
Finnish - Jani Alha -
German - Tom -
Japanese - Juno Hayami -
Persian - Mahmoud Zooroofchi -
Portuguese - Beto Ribeiro -
Russian - Ilya Pshenichny -
Serbian - Diana -
older, incomplete translations:
Azerbaijani - Bohdan Zograf -
Belarusian - Alexander Alexandrov -
Dansk - Jonas Thomsen -
Dutch NL - Rene -
Espanol - Juan Carlos del Río -
France - Bjork -
Greek - Essetai_Imar -
Hindi - Love Chandel -
Italian - Gianni Diurno -
Lithuanian - Nata Strazda -
Norwegian - Stein Ivar Johnsen - http://iDyrø
Polish - LeXuS -
Romanian - Alexander Ovsov -
Swedish - Magnus Suther -
Turkish - Emrullah Tahir Ekmekçi -
Ukrainian - Iflexion design -
== Installation ==
- unzip plugin directory into the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
- activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
The activation will create or update a table wp_cpd_counter.
The Visitors-per-Day function use 7 days as default. So don't surprise about a wrong value in the first week.
See the Options Page and check the default values.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Need Help? Find Bug? =
read and write comments on
== Screenshots ==
- Statistics on Count-per-Day Dashboard
- Options
- Widget sample
== Arbitrary section ==
You can use these shortcodes in the content of your posts to show a number or list or in your theme files while adding e.g. '<?php echo do_shortcode("[THE_SHORTCODE]"); ?>'. To use the shortcodes within a text widget you have to add 'add_filter("widget_text", "do_shortcode");' to the 'functions.php' of your theme.
- limit (optional): max records to show, default = all
- days (optional), show last x days
- postsonly (optional), 1 = don't show index pages
- posttypes (optional), show this posttypes only, sets postsonly to 1 [CPD_POSTS_ON_DAY date="2010-10-06" limit="3"]
- date (optional), format: year-month-day, default = today
- limit (optional): max records to show, default = all [CPD_MAP width="500" height="340" what="reads"]
- width and height: size, default 500x340 px
- what: map content - reads|visitors|online, default reads [CPD_SEARCHES days="14" limit="20"]
- days (optional), show last x days
- limit (optional): show x most searched strings
You can place these functions in your template.
global $count_per_day;
if(method_exists($count_per_day,"show")) echo $count_per_day->getReadsAll(true);
to check if plugin is activated.
show( $before, $after, $show, $count, $page )'
- $before = text before number e.g. '<p>' (default "")
- $after = text after number e.g. 'reads</p>' (default " reads")
- $show = true/false, "echo" complete string or "return" number only (default true)
- $count = true/false, false will not count the reads (default true)
- $page (optional) PostID
- only count reads, without any output
- 'show' call it
'getFirstCount( $return )'
- shows date of first count
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getUserPerDay( $days, $return )'
- shows average number of visitors per day of the last $days days
- default on dashboard (see it with mouse over number) = "Latest Counts - Days" in options
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getReadsAll( $return )'
- shows number of total reads
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getReadsToday( $return )'
- shows number of reads today
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getReadsYesterday( $return )'
- shows number of reads yesterday
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getReadsLastWeek( $return )'
- shows number of reads last week (7 days)
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getReadsThisMonth( $return )'
- shows number of reads current month
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getReadsPerMonth( $return )'
- lists number of reads per month
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getUserAll( $return )'
- shows number of total visitors
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getUserOnline( $frontend, $country, $return )'
- shows number of visitors just online
- $frontend: 1 no link to map
- $country: 0 number, 1 country list
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getUserToday( $return )'
- shows number of visitors today
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getUserYesterday( $return )'
- shows number of visitors yesterday
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getUserLastWeek( $return )'
- shows number of visitors last week (7 days)
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getUserThisMonth( $return )'
- shows number of visitors current month
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getUserPerMonth( $frontend, $return )'
- lists number of visitors per month
- $frontend: 1 no links
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getUserPerPost( $limit, $frontend, $return )'
- lists $limit number of posts, -1: all, 0: get option from DB, x: number
- $frontend: 1 no links
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getMostVisitedPosts( $days, $limits, $frontend, $postsonly, $return, $posttypes )'
- shows a list with the most visited posts in the last days
- $days = days to calc (last days), 0: get option from DB
- $limit = count of posts (last posts), 0: get option from DB
- $frontend: 1 no links
- $postsonly: 0 show, 1 don't show categories and taxonomies
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
- $posttypes: comma separated list of post types, default: empty to show all
'getVisitedPostsOnDay( $date, $limit, $show_form, $show_notes, $frontend, $return )'
- shows visited pages at given day
- $date day in MySQL date format yyyy-mm-dd, 0 today
- $limit count of posts
- $show_form show form for date selection, default on, in frontend set it to 0
- $show_notes show button to add notes in form, default on, in frontend set it to 0
- $frontend: 1 no links
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getClients( $return )'
- shows visits per client/browser in percent
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getReferers( $limit, $return, $days )'
- lists top $limit referrers of the last $days days, 0: get option from DB, x: number
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getMostVisitedPostIDs( $days, $limit, $cats, $return_array )'
- $days last x days, default = 365
- $limit return max. x posts, default = 10
- $cats IDs of categories to filter, array or number
- $return_array true returns an array with Post-ID, title and count, false returns comma separated list of Post-IDs
'function getMap( $what, $width, $height, $min )'
- gets a world map
- $what visitors|reads|online
- $width size in px
- $height size in px
- $min : 1 disable title, legend and zoombar
'getDayWithMostReads( $return )'
- shows day with most Reads
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
'getDayWithMostVisitors( $return )'
- shows day with most Visitors
- $return: 0 echo, 1 return output
- With GeoIP you can associate your visitors to an country using the IP address.
- On options page you can update you current visits. This take a while! The Script checks 100 IP addresses at once an reload itself until less then 100 addresses left. Click the update button to check the rest.
- If the rest remains greater than 0 the IP address is not in GeoIP database (accuracy 99.5%).
- You can update the GeoIP database from time to time to get new IP data. This necessitates write permissions to wp-content/count-per-day-geoip directory.
- If the automatically update don't work download GeoIPv6.dat.gz, extract and rename it to GeoIP.dat and load it to the count-per-day-geoip directory.
- More information about GeoIP on
== Changelog ==
= 3.5.6 =
- Bugfix: check/block stored bad referrers
= 3.5.5 =
- Bugfix: security fixes in export, referrer and mass bot functions
= 3.5.4 =
- Bugfix: check for IPv6 compatibility on settings page
= 3.5.3 =
- Bugfix: undefined function cpd_inet_pton (once again)
= 3.5.2 =
- Bugfix: undefined function cpd_inet_pton
= 3.5.1 =
- back in WordPress plugin repository
- Bugfix: Worldmap shortcode
= 3.5 =
- New: PHP 7 compatibility (mysqli)
- New: GeoIP part is now available as addon (installation with 1 click, see the settings page), because WordPress hates non GPL code in its plugin repository (after several years...)
- Bugfix: possible daylight saving time problem in chart (hopefully)
- Bugfix: reset function now deletes also collections
= 3.4.1 =
- Bugfix: Security fix backup download
= 3.4 =
- New: limit the length of client and referer to reduce database size and eliminate MySql strict mode errors
- New: exclude countries you not want to count
- New: Flash free World map
- New: Flag of Malawi
- Bugfix: language support without WPLANG constant
- Bugfix: get temp directory
= 3.3 =
- New: List of most industrious Visitors
- New: Export data as CSV file
- New: count given post types only
- New: Shortcode CPD_FLOTCHART to show the big chart
- New: Popular Posts Widget, thanks to Maurits van der Schee
- New: Part of IP adresses in Bot List, '192.168' will block all visitors from '192.168.x.x'
- New language: Chinese, thanks to Siyuan Tang
- Bugfix: counting of cached pages
- Bugfix: cleaning database, delete entries per IP in bot list
- some little fixes
= 3.2.10 =
- Bugfix: Plugin dir path fixed
- Bugfix: CSS path fixed
- Bugfix: search word now case insensitive
- Bugfix: Translation of widget titles
- New: world map of current visitors
- New: check referer agains bot list
- New: delete clients and referers of older entries
= 3.2.9 =
- Bugfix: PHP without IPv6 support
- New Language: Persian, thanks to Mahmoud Zooroofchi
- Hint: use "update old counter data" to repair the unknown countries
= 3.2.8 =
- Bugfix: inet_pton for windows php < 5.3
- Bugfix: GeoIP support for online world map
= 3.2.7 =
- Bugfix: GeoIP functionality
= 3.2.6 =
- New: posts only parameters for [CPD_MOST_VISITED_POSTS]
- New: don't count password protected posts without password
- New: translate widget titles if possible
- New: flags of Cambodia, Nigeria and Sudan
- Bugfix: massbot post list has not show all post
- Bugfix: security fix, XSS
- Bugfix: problems while adding widgets
- Bugfix: start session only in backend
- Bugfix: empty database query
= 3.2.5 =
- Bugfix: compatibility fix for WordPress 3.5
= 3.2.4 =
- Bugfix: security fix, check user permissions
= 3.2.3 =
- Bugfix: security fix, XSS in search words, thanks to
= 3.2.2 =
- New: counter column in custom post lists
- Bugfix: errors in search words
- Bugfix: wrong counts in posts lists
= 3.2.1 =
- Bugfix: massbot delete error
- Bugfix: search words array sometimes corrupt
- Bugfix: add collected data to reads per post, thanks to Suzakura Karin /
- Language update: Japanese, thanks to Juno Hayami
- Language update: Portuguese, thanks to Beto Ribeiro
- Language update: Russian, thanks to Ilya Pshenichny
- Language update: Bulgarian, thanks to joro
= 3.2 =
- New: save search words
- New shortcode: CPD_COUNTRIES_USERS
- New: flags for Bahamas, Mongolia, Cameroon and Kazakhstan
- Bugfix: can't move widgets
- Bugfix: visitors per post list
- Bugfix: "Clean Database" deleted collection too
- Bugfix: browser summary Chrome/Safari fixed
- Bugfix: get real remote IP address, not local server
- Bugfix: security fixes
- Change: create collection functions optimized
- New language: Romanian, thanks to Alexander Ovsov
- New language: Hindi, thanks to Love Chandel
- New language: Finnish, thanks to Jani Alha
- Language update: Ukrainain, thanks to Iflexion design
= 3.1.1 =
- Bugfix: important fixes in map.php and download.php, thanks to
= 3.1 =
- New: memory check before backup to avoid "out of memory" error
- New: create temporary backup files for download only
- New: delete backup files in wp-content on settings page
- Bugfix: all posts shows 1 read in posts list
- Bugfix: clean database shows 0 entries deleted
= 3.0 =
- New: use now default WordPress database functions to be compatible to e.g. multi-db plugins
- New: backup your counter data
- New: collect entries of counter table per month and per post to reduce the database and speed up the statistics
- New: functions and shortcodes [CPD_DAY_MOST_READS] [CPD_DAY_MOST_USERS] to shows days with most reads/visitors
- New: option to cut referrer on "?" to not store query strings
- New: parameter '$postsonly' for 'getMostVisitedPosts' function to list single posts and pages only
- New: flags for Moldavia and Nepal
- New language: Norwegian, thanks to Stein Ivar Johnsen and Tore Johnny Bråtveit
- New language: Azerbaijani, thanks to Bohdan Zograf
- New language: Japanese, thanks to Juno Hayami
- Bugfix: visitors per month list
- Change: some function parameters
- Change: little memory optimizing
- Change: visitors currently online and notes will now managed per option, without seperate tables in database
- Change: design updated
- Change: old bar charts deleted