Secure UDP chat client allows users to communicate securely over a network. All data over the network is encrypted and the program is aimed providing the following features
- Perfect forward secracy
- Identity hiding
- Protection against week passwords
- Resistance to Denail Of Service Attacks
The implimentation assumes that the server is secure and trusts information given by the server. If the server is compromised then the above promisses may not be valid any more
- First generate server public and private RSA keys
openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out public_key.pem
Copy the public_key.pem & private_key.pem into the Server folder and copy public_kep.pem into Client folder
- Start server
python -sp <server port>
- Start Client
python -sp <server port>
- Supported Commands
* To List active users users : list
* To connect to user :connect
* To Send message : send <username> message
* To see all clients currently connected : connected
* Logout : logout
* See usage : man
- Python cryptography
pip install cryptography