⛳️ PASS: Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) by learning based on our Questions & Answers (Q&A) Practice Tests Exams.
ML based projects such as Spam Classification, Time Series Analysis, Text Classification using Random Forest, Deep Learning, Bayesian, Xgboost in Python
SQL data analysis & visualization projects using MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Tableau, Apache Spark and pySpark.
In this project, we will build and ETL(Extract,Transform,Load) pipeline using the Spotify API on AWS. The pipeline will retrieve data from the Spotify API, transform into desired format and load it…
Tips and resources to prepare for Behavioral interviews.
DataScience projects for learning : Kaggle challenges, Object Recognition, Parsing, etc.
Carefully curated resource links for data science in one place
Collection of my data viz inspirations and attempts on TidyTuesday data
A repository containing contributions to the TidyTuesday project
Data and code behind the articles and graphics at FiveThirtyEight
Tidy Tuesday:
Official repo for the #tidytuesday project
Data science interview questions and answers
A topic-centric list of HQ open datasets.
Posit Cheat Sheets - Can also be found at