Dark Paper is a dark theme for Jekyll. It is a sister theme of white-paper. If you like light colored themes, you can check white-paper.
It is built keeping content in focus and is best for writers/developers who also like to share code with their essays.
gem is now installed with jekyll so now creating a new post is as easy as running this simple command
# ensure all the required bundles are installed
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll post "Tooling Considered Harmful"
Configuration file: /Users/vinitkumar/projects/vinitkumar.github.com/_config.yml
New post created at _posts/2019-03-06-tooling-considered-harmful.md
$ git status
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
- Home page
- Profile page
Fork the repo to your account by clicking the button on the top right as shown in the image:
and then where you want to fork it as shown below.
Next, Go the the project settings and change the repository name to <username>.github.io
where username is your username.
Change these entries in the _config.yml
Also, change this line in head.html link
<!-- From this -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=" {{ '/css/main.min.css' | relative_url }}" type="text/css" />
<!-- To this -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=" {{ '/css/main.min.css' | absolute_url }}" type="text/css" />
This will make sure that the path of CSS is correct and the theme loads correctly.
master_repo: false
url: "<username>.github.io"
rtl: false # change to true if posts is in Arabic/other Right to left language.
Also, change all other fields in the _config.yml
file to your choice.
This theme requires you to install couple of tools first to setup jekyll locally.
git clone [email protected]:vinitkumar/white-paper.git
# If you have ruby installed.
gem install jekyll bundler
# If you have node installed.
npm install
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli #to get the task runner for grunt.
bundle install
jekyll serve
# on running the serve script, the site will be live on
This theme uses grunt to concat & minify the css for best performance. In order to prepare the css build. Run grunt
It will create a main.min.css file in the css folder.
This theme also provides syntax highlighting in different theme. Inside css folder, there is a syntax folder.
├── emacs.css
├── github.css
├── monokai.css
├── native.css
├── syntax.css
└── vim.css
Now in the gruntfiles.js
concat: {
dist: {
src: [
'css/sytax/emacs.css', // change this to another theme if you prefer, like vim.css and run grunt
dest: 'css/<%= pkg.name %>.add.css'
- see LICENSE file
- Version 1.0.0
- Homepage: http://vinitkumar.me
- e-mail: [email protected]
- Twitter: @vinitkme