#Secure PHP Coding
- Remote File Inclusion (RFI)
- Local File Inclusion (LFI)
- Local File Disclosure/Download
- Remote File Upload
- Remote Command Execution
- Remote Code Execution (RCE)
- Authentication Bypass/Insecure Permissions
- Cross-Site Scripting(XSS)
- Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF)
##1) Remote File Inclusion ####Affected PHP Functions
- require
- require_once
- include
- include_once
####Vulnerable Codes
$theme = $_GET['theme'];
include $theme;
$theme = $_GET['theme'];
include $theme.'.php';
- Including Remote Code:
- Using PHP stream php://input:
- Using PHP stream php://filter:
- Using data URIs:
####How to fix
- set
allow_url_include = Off
in php.ini - Validate with array of allowed files
- Don't allow special chars in variables
- filter the slash "/"
- filter "http" , "https" , "ftp" and "smb"
$allowedThemes = array('pink.php', 'black.php');
$theme = $_GET['theme'].'php';
if(in_array($theme, $allowedThemes) && file_exists($theme)){
include $theme;
##2) Local File Inclusion ####Affected PHP Functions
- require
- require_once
- include
- include_once
####Vulnerable Codes
$theme = 'themes/'.$_GET['theme'];
include $theme;
$theme = 'themes/'.$_GET['theme'];
include $theme.'.php';
- Reading Local Filesystem File:
- Uploading PHP Shell:
- Exploiting Apache Access Log
- proc/self/environ method
- Tamper http User-Agent into
- http://localhost/lfi/index.php?theme=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../proc/self/environ&cmd=rm -rf /
####How to fix
- Validate with array of allowed files
- Don't allow special chars in variables
- filter the dot "." and slash "/"
- filter "http" , "https" , "ftp" and "smb"
$allowedThemes = array('pink.php', 'black.php');
$theme = $_GET['theme'].'php';
if(in_array($theme, $allowedThemes) && file_exists($theme)){
include 'themes/'.$theme;
##3) Local File Disclosure/Download ####Affected PHP Functions
- readfile
- bzopen
- fopen
- SplFileObject
- file_get_contents
- readlink
####Vulnerable Code
$invoice = dirname(__FILE__).'invoices/'.$_REQUEST['invoice'];
header("Pragma: public");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($invoice));
- Download sytem files/config files/logs
####How to fix
- Use pathinfo or basename
- Don't allow special chars in variables
- filter the dot "." and slash "/"
$invoice = dirname(__FILE__).'invoices/'.pathinfo($_REQUEST['invoice'])['filename'].'csv';
header("Pragma: public");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($invoice));
##4) Remote File Upload ####Affected PHP Functions
- move_uploaded_file
- file_put_contents
- fwrite
####Vulnerable Codes
$filename = $_FILES['picture']['name'];
$folder = dirname(__FILE__).'/pictures/';
if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name'], $folder.$filename)){
echo "picture not uploaded";
echo "picture uploaded successfully";
$size = getimagesize($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']);
if (!$size) {
echo 'Upload Image file :p';
$filename = $_FILES['picture']['name'];
$folder = dirname(__FILE__).'/pictures/';
if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name'], $folder.$filename)){
echo "picture not uploaded";
echo "picture uploaded successfully";
- Upload PHP file/Script File
- Upload Image file with php code in EXIF data and file extenstion is php
####How to fix
- Validate file type and remove default file extension and remove whitespaces in the file name
- Generate random file name
- Store uploaded files in different path not '/var/www/'
$size = getimagesize($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']);
if (!$size) {
echo 'Upload Image file :p';
$filename = trim(pathinfo($_FILES['picture']['name'])['filename']);
$folder = dirname(__FILE__).'/pictures/';
if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name'], $folder.$filename.'.jpg')){
echo "picture not uploaded";
echo "picture uploaded successfully";
##5) Remote Command Execution ####Affected PHP Functions
- exec
- passthru
- system
- shell_exec
- `` (backticks)
- popen
- proc_open
- pcntl_exec
####Vulnerable Code
$user_id = $_GET['user_id'];
$path = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$user_id;
if (!file_exists($path)){
system('mkdir '.$path);
// upload picture
- Pass arguments with || or && then system commands
####How to fix
- Use escapeshellarg() and escapeshellcmd()
$user_id = $_GET['user_id'];
$path = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$user_id;
if (!file_exists($path)){
system('mkdir '.escapeshellarg($path));
// upload picture
##6) Remote Code Execution ####Affected PHP Functions
- eval
- assert
- preg_replace // with /e in regex
- create_function
- $$, extract & parse_str with one parameter
- dynamic function
- ReflectionFunction
- unserialize
- functions with callbacks for example (array_map, usort, ob_start & preg_replace_callback etc)
####Vulnerable Codes #####Evaluating eval() eval.php
$title = $_GET['title'];
eval('echo Welcome '.$title.';');
// assert() also vulnerable
#####Regular Expression to_upper.php
$string = $_GET['string'];
print preg_replace('/^(.*)/e', 'strtoupper(\\1)', $string);
#####Dynamic Variables
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
$$key = $value;
function isLoggedIn(){
return $_SESSION['isLoggedIn'];
if (isLoggedIn()) {
echo "You are logged in :)";
echo "you are not logged in :(";
#####Dynamic Functions callback.php
$callback = $_GET['callback'];
$arguments = $_GET['arguments'];
function callback($args){
echo 'function called with arguments';
//$func = new ReflectionFunction($callback); $func->invoke($arguments); also same
// create_function also vulnerable // create_function('$foobar', "echo $foobar;");
- http://localhost/rce/to_upper.php?string=phpinfo()
- http://localhost/rce/display_title.php?title=vinoth;phpinfo();
- http://localhost/rce/user.php?_SESSION[isLoggedIn]=true
- http://localhost/rce/callback.php?callback=phpinfo&arguments=1
####How to fix
- Don't allow any special character like "(",")","``"&";" etc
- Never create ($$, extract & parse_str()) dynamic variables from $_POST, $_GET or $_REQUEST
- Validate callback with array of allowed callback
##7) Authentication Bypass/Insecure Permissions ####Vulnerable Scenario
- Validation of user permissions in View Page & missing user validation in handler page
- Improper validation of id parameter
####How to fix
- add proper user validation
##8) Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) ####Affected PHP Functions
- echo
- printf
- sprintf
- var_dump
- print_r
####Vulnerable Code search.php
$query = $_GET['q'];
$user_id = $_GET['user_id'];
echo "You searched for ".$query;
<script type="text/javascript">
var user = '<?php echo $user_id?>';
- http://localhost/xss/search.php?user_id=1&q=<script>alert(1)</script>
- http://localhost/xss/search.php?user_id=1%27;alert(1);//&q=test
####How to fix
- filter user inputs
- use htmlspecialchars,htmlentities,strip_tags,filter_var & is_numeric
$query = htmlspecialchars($_GET['q'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$user_id = filter_var($_GET['user_id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
echo "You searched for ".$query;
<script type="text/javascript">
var user = '<?php echo $user_id?>';
##9) Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF) ####Vulnerable Scenario
- Missing CSRF token in post data
- Using $_GET or $_REQUEST instead of $_POST in data update
####Vulnerable Code update_user.php
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
$about = $_REQUEST['about'];
$username = $_REQUEST['username'];
// update user info
####Attack attacker.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src="http://localhost/csrf/update_user.php?name=YouHaveBeenHackedByVinoth" alt="You Have Been Hacked :(" height="0" width="0"/>
####How to fix
- avoid $_REQUEST and $_GET for getting post information
- use CSRF Token for post data
$name = $_POST['name'];
$about = $_POST['about'];
$username = $_POST['username'];
if($_SESSION['csrf_token'] != $_POST['csrf_token']){
echo 'Wrong Token';
// update user info