Copy \MISC\.gitconfig and \MISC\.npmrc to C:\Users\{UserName}
npm install
You might need to install Windows Build Tool
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
npm install --global node-gyp
Then try again: npm install
Download at:
Setting port number: 8545
Mnemonic: sponsor affair like elephant sunset close army wealth fence update awesome act
[0]: Admin account: use to deploy ContractList, ...
[1]: Patient
[2]: Clinic
[3]: Insurer
Use nodejs to compile all contracts
node compile.js
Using script /ethereum/deploy.bat
Deploy static contracts:
- Patient deploy InsuranceCategory
- Admin deploy ContractPIList
Edit /ethereum/ContractPIList.js: use address of deployed ContractPIList
Edit /pages/patient/insurer/confirm,js: use address of deployed InInsurerCategory
- Patient deploy ClinicCategory
- Admin deploy ContractCPList
Note: In additional, after static contracts had been deployed the contract addresses
have been written into deployed_address.json. Example content:
npm run dev
npm install --save web3-providers-http
npm install -save query-string