A version Control System similar to Git which uses PostgreSQL as the database for storing all the user's data and uses python to access the DB and provide a user interface using the Terminal.
Vishwas R Uthpal P Sudarshan TR
Documentation.pdf has the basic documentation to get started with the application and it's various functionalities. Also describes ways in which this application can be migrated to other Databases according to needs.
Phase1.pdf describes the evolution of the design of the ER diagram for this appication.
Phase2.pdf describes the reasons for choosing RDBMS and sql code for creation and initialization of the database and it's tables according to the Relational Table Diagram.
Phase3.pdf describes the complete logic behind how branching, merging, commit, pull, push and all other version control functions work in the application and it's respective code. It also has a list of simple and complex queries with their code which can be implemented along with the current application to enhance it's features.
Install Postgres and run github_init_for_python.sql.
Edit mygit.py and change the DB name and password set in Postgres.
Run mygit.py in the terminal/CMD.