Nabu was the ancient Babylonian of writing and scribing. Nabu is an application that helps dev team compile the various APIs they use/create and be able to view the various endpoints of these APIs in a swagger UI format, enabling for simple and easy documentation.
Contains a basic auth setup, so that page views are restricted to those who have team credentials. (The admin will set the username and password)
Stores the path and token of the API when added to the list, removing the need to repeatedly enter these credentials to access the documentation.
Provides API documentation in a clear and interactive format.(using SwaggerUi)
Any API included must have an associated Swagger file.
A PostgresDB (Installation instructions included.)
Download the repo and install the node modules using the following command :
npm install
If you do not have postgres installed, you can install it using the following commands :
brew update
brew install postgres
ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/postgresql/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
Load the nabu database using the following command :
psql -d nabu -f nabu_db.sql
Create a .env file using the following command :
touch .env
In the .env file, post the following environment variables, and adjust the placeholders appropriately
# the answers to these fields must be 'yes' or 'no'
# if the value of BASIC_AUTH is no, set all of the variables below to none
# if the value of GITHUB_AUTH is no, set all the below variables to none
The placeholders in the above code are :
- _pgUserName: The username used to access PostgresDB
- _pgPassword: The password used to access PostgresDB
- _randomkey1: The first of two random keys that are used to encrypt session key. Choose any value that suits you
- _userName: The team username you want to use for the basic auth to access the application.
- _password: the team password you want to use for the basic auth to access the application
- _githubOrg: The specific github org that you want to restrict github based login to. Currently only supports one org.
- _githubAPIToken: The access token to access the github API
- _githubClientId: the clientID provided when you register your nabu application with Github.
- _githubClientSecret: the secret provided when you register your nabu application with Github.
- _githubCallback: the callback URL you specify when you register your nabu application with Github.