A curated list of crypto project trackers and analytics dashboards.
- 0x
- Airswap
- Aragon
- Augur
- Compound
- Cosmos
- Cryptokitties
- Dapps
- Decentralized Finance
- Decentralized Exchanges
- Dharma
- dYdX
- Ethereum
- Ethereum Classic
- Gas
- Etheroll
- KyberSwap
- Lightning Network
- Livepeer
- Loans
- MakerDAO
- NFTs
- Polkadot
- Raiden
- Stable coins
- Uniswap
- Other
- https://predictions.global
- https://blacktemplar.github.io/augur-fee-windows-info/
- https://reporters.chat/
- https://www.curiousgiraffe.io/augur/
- https://veil.co/markets
- https://veil.co/augur-open-interest
- https://app.compound.finance/#Markets
- https://supermax.cool/compound
- https://www.curiousgiraffe.io/compound/
- https://hubble.figment.network/chains/genki-4000
- https://bigdipper.forbole.com/
- https://cosmos.p2p.org/
- https://mkr.tools/
- https://makerscan.io/
- https://supermax.cool/makerdao
- https://twitter.com/makerdaibot
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To the extent possible under law, Denis Nazarov has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.