is a protoc plugin that generates GraphQL schema from Protocol Buffers schema.
❗This project is a fork, the architecture of the original generator has not changed much. Also the project had insufficient git commits.
❗This project is no longer maintained.
simple "protobuf message" -> "graphql type" conversion, including:
- lower_snake_case field names to camelCase field names conversion;
- optional fields handling (generator`s rule is: resulting field in GraphQL`s type is not marked non-nullable only if it`s marked as optional in initial proto file)
simple "protobuf enum" -> "graphql enum" conversion
- conversion improvements
- better english in README
Clone repository:
git clone
(not recommended, risky) If you want to rebuild whole plugin`s core, then run:
make plugin
This command will rebuild plugin`s core, defined in include/graphql/graphql.proto file and further stored in graphql/graphql.pb.go file.
TODO: Windows support. Make commands doesn`t work...
- To obtain executable of plugin, run:
make distribute
Now you should have your plugin`s executable in dist folder!
TODO: Windows support. Make commands doesn`t work...
- (recommended) Move plugin`s executable to your $(GOBIN) folder.
TODO: Windows support. Now you need to manually add ".exe" to the file name!
- (recommended) Move include/graphql/graphql.proto file to your project`s protobuf files folder
To use plugin, protoc needs:
- path to plugin`s executable (if you`ve done recommended installation steps, then plugin is now in $(GOBIN) so it`s reachable with PATH, otherwise path to plugin`s executable should be provided with --plugin=..., when running protoc command)
- path to graphql.proto file (which is at first located in my project at ./include/graphql/graphql.proto, if you`ve done recommended installation steps it`s now in one folder with your protobuf files)
If you did steps 4 and 5 of installation guide, you can now simply run:
protoc -I. --graphql-schema_out=YOUR_OUT_FOLDER YOUR_PROTO_FILE.proto
That will result to generating GraphQL schema out of YOUR_PROTO_FILE.proto. Also make sure that YOUR_OUT_FOLDER exists (or simply provide "./").
If everything is installed, fast way to run example is to run make example
in project`s root directory OR to run make generate
in examples/greeter directory. That will result to generating examples/greeter/greeter.graphql from examples/greeter/greeter.proto.