CS335 - Compiler Design
Compiler Design for the course CS335 at IIT Kanpur.
Implementation Language (I): C++
Target Language (T): MIPS
Source Language (S): C
Build and Run
cd . make ./bin/compiler -i ./test/test1.c -o test.gv make clean
Note: Lex and Yacc required to build the binary.
To generate postscript graph of the c code, execute the following command after executing parser: dot -Tps out.dot -o graph.ps
Note: graphviz required to generate postscript graph. Usage bin/compiler -i test/test1.c -o output.gv
Group Members
Udit Kumar Jareda (180830)
Vishwas Choudhary (180876)
Vivek Kumar Gupta (180880)
Yashwant Tailor (180894)