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Pisani diplomski rad

Repozitorij sadrži sve datoteke potrebne za generiranje .pdf oblika diplomskog rada. .pdf je prisutan u releases odjeljku.

Glavna datoteka je diplomski.tex.

Za generiranje moguće je koristiti pdflatex. Pokrenite Makefile.

preamble.tex sadrži popis svih potrebnih paketa.

Moja preporuka je sve datoteke staviti na sharelatex. U tom slučaju dovoljno je izabrati diplomski.tex kao glavnu datoteku i kliknuti na gumb Compile.

Diplomski napisan za vrijeme pohađanja Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Izvorni kod nije javno dostupan (moguće ga je naći na CD-u priloženom u radu).

Typed form of thesis

Repository contains all files needed for generating .pdf of master's thesis. .pdf can be find by clicking releases.

Main file is diplomski.tex.

pdflatex can be used for generation. Run the Makefile.

preamble.tex contains the list of all necessary packages.

My recommendation is to upload all of the files to sharelatex. In that case it's enough to select diplomski.tex as main file and click the Compile button.

Thesis written while attending Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb.

Source code isn't publicly available (it can be found on the CD at the back of the thesis).


master's thesis latex sources






No packages published
