Framework for clustering graph nodes using various similarity/dissimilarity measures.
- Adjacency matrix based kernels:
- Katz: Katz kernel (a.k.a. Walk, Von Neumann diffusion kernel)
- Comm: Communicability kernel (a.k.a. Exponential diffusion kernel)
- DFS: Double Factorial similarity
- Laplacian based kernels:
- For: Forest kernel (a.k.a. Regularized Laplacian kernel)
- Heat: Heat kernel (a.k.a. Laplacian exponential diffusion kernel)
- NHeat: Normalized Heat kernel
- Abs: Absorption kernel
- Markov matrix based kernels and measures:
- PPR: Personalized PageRank
- MPPR: Modified Personalized PageRank
- HPR: PageRank heat similarity measure
- RSP: Randomized Shortest Path distance
- FE: Free Energy distance
- Sigmoid Commute Time:
- SCT: Sigmoid Commute Time
- CCT: Corrected Commute Time
- SCCT: Sigmoid Corrected Commute Time
- SP-CT: Shortest Path, Commute Time, and their linear combination
- logarithmic version of every measure
Every measure is presented as dissimilarity (distance) and similarity (kernel/proximity) measure. All of them can be used in any classification/clustering/community detection algorithm which uses kernel trick (e.g. kernel k-means).
- Kernel k-means (GPU support, powered with pytorch)
- Spectral clustering
- Ward clustering
- Wrappers for kernel k-means from kernlab, sklearn k-means
- Stochastic Block Model
- LFR (networkx wrapper)
pip install git+
import networkx as nx
from pygkernels.cluster import KKMeans
from pygkernels.measure import logComm_H
G = nx.read_gml('news_2cl1.gml')
A = nx.adjacency_matrix(G).toarray()
estimator = KKMeans(n_clusters=2)
K = logComm_H(A).get_K(param=0.1)
partition = estimator.predict(K, A=A)
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import adjusted_rand_score
from pygkernels.cluster import KKMeans
from import StochasticBlockModel
from pygkernels.measure import logComm_H
from pygkernels.scenario import ParallelByGraphs
n_graphs, n, k, p_in, p_out = 100, 100, 2, 0.3, 0.1 # params for SBM graph generator
n_params = 30 # grid search through n_params in [0, 1] space
graphs, _ = StochasticBlockModel(n, k, p_in=p_in, p_out=p_out).generate_graphs(n_graphs)
gridsearch = ParallelByGraphs(adjusted_rand_score, n_params, progressbar=True, ignore_errors=True)
params, ari, error = gridsearch.perform(KKMeans, logComm_H, graphs, k, n_jobs=-1, n_gpu=2)
best_param = params[np.argmax(ari)]
from import Datasets, LFRGenerator
(A, partition), info = Datasets()['news_2cl1_0.1']
gen = LFRGenerator.params_from_adj_matrix(A, partition, info['k'])
A, partition = gen.generate_graph()
gen = LFRGenerator.params_from_adj_matrix(A, partition, info['k'])
All examples are located in ./examples. More usage approaches are in a separate repo
title={Dissecting graph measure performance for node clustering in LFR parameter space},
author={Ivashkin, Vladimir and Chebotarev, Pavel},
booktitle={International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications},